It is a hard life being a Conference Secretary when one is an Engineer. The crippling responsibility would have destroyed a lesser man. Luckily it was Chris who was in charge. The myriad tasks expected of him didn't faze him in the slightest. Task after task was apportioned to him, and completed without him batting an eye... even when he was asked to create an Engineering Department Haka for the conference. Yup, it took 3 weeks of rehearsal by the department, a similar amount of time to choreograph on Chris's behalf and a mere 5 minutes to perform but the triumphant Auckland University Engineering Haka was performed at the close of the conference yesterday. Hideously complex and convoluted (one might almost say "over engineered") it was a triumph of planning and precision.... and you should just see the A3 flowchart that was used to define the steps, chant, and final shriek of triumph!
Disclaimer: No engineers were hurt in the making of this post, and alas, no such haka has been created, or indeed performed, by the Engineering Department. We can but hope though!)
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