Monday, 31 May 2010
Rainy Daze

Sunday, 30 May 2010
I miss sleep

We pored through our copy of the destitute gourmet before planning out the fortnight's menu. So far K has eaten 1 dinner out of 2. He wouldn't even look at Chris's delicious kebabs - and they were yummy! Yesterday we took K to Motat with the free voucher. Once again he loved MOTAT, actually weeping when Chris dragged him out the gates. We will go again when I am a little more capable of hunting down the wee squeak. Poor Chris had to race around after K and was absolutely knackered, with a sore back afterwards. Healing is going well, with me on panadol a mere 1x a day. Hopefully I can begin driving in the next fortnight and that will allow K to get out the house and not go stir crazy. Today was gorgeous and sunny and Colin and Ros came over with homemade bagels, salmon and cream cheese for brunch. It was super yummy and so appreciated.
Thursday, 27 May 2010
And two in the hand....

Kieran had a fabulous day yesterday - it was the last one with his Grammy. We decorated the Gingerbread men, and K decanted chocolate buttons happily while the decorating proceeded - eating the fruits of our labours too - the little devil! We also went for a walk to the local park - but they were replacing the tiles on the base so K couldn't play. Alas!!! Sue flew home last night and is already missed by Mr K. He had such a great time with his Grammy! I have got to get driving as the more activities K can go to the happier he will be!! When it is just us at home he notices how much less attention he gets - and this saddens him. But he is so very good, and gives the baby cuddles when Cameron squeaks, and kisses and tries to play with him... although this generally involves driving toys over Cameron :)
I must sit down this weekend and work out a 2 week schedule of what we will do in morning afternoon blocks for the boys as hopefully that will help with the attention needs. The Porse sessions are a lifesaver too - as it means K can do something different, and Cameron gets some attention.
Monday, 24 May 2010
Baby!! Baby!!

Yesterday we took K out for a walk to the playground in the drizzle. It was that or have all 3 of us go stir crazy. He ran us ragged - and we were mooching along at my invalid's pace too! Healing is going well, with a sharp twinge here and there reminding me not to overdo it.
Looks like we will do "The Mans"tomorrow morning with a potential trip to the library depending on the weather - Aaaah rain, sweet rain....
We're baaaaack!

Thursday, 20 May 2010
Hello Cameron
Hi All. It's Chris here. I don't normally write blog entries but today is a special day so I'm making an exception :). Today we welcome Cameron Eoin Seal to the family. Cameron was safely delivered by cesarean at 9:53, weighing 3.21 kg (7 pound 1 ounce in the old currency). Both he and Shan are doing well.
Shannon is due out of hospital on Monday, all things going according to plan, and will no doubt update you all on how things are then.
Wednesday, 19 May 2010
24 hours and counting

On tuesday I drove K to his PORSE session... or at least to the top of the hill, where, as I pressed on the accelerator to pull out into traffic the car's engine just died. Pandemonium reigned. I would up pushing the car out of traffic all by myself (nope, no-one stopped to help!), which was rather tricky as I didn't want the car to whistle back down the hill with K in it!!. I fished K out and staggered down the hill where I called Henry to collect K. We got the car started once K was in Henry's car, and it behaved itself when I picked K up that afternoon. (problem with cold morning and choke) HOWEVER. I must have pulled or strained every muscle in my back, stomach and groin and the pain has been excruciating!! It has finally improved to the point where I can walk without active pain, though I spent much of today terrified that I was going into labour. Chris came home today and took me to get my bloods done at the hospital. I amused myself this morning by baking bread, doing dishes and laundry, packing my hospital bag, playing with K and having a nap. The house is pristine - or it was after I finished preparing dinner!! I have had a lovely bath with my son, shaved my legs while fighting off his offers of assistance and am about to go to bed... after all, tomorrow is a big day!
Saturday, 15 May 2010
Vroom vroom!!

Isabelle came over with her 2 kids and K cavorted merrily. When they left he pleaded to go to the playground. This caused pandemonium as Isabelle's 2, still outside the door, decided that the playground was where they needed to be as well!! We ran the sass out of all 3 of them and I returned K to the domicile 20 minutes later with SOME of the sass run out of him! I made shepherds pie for dinner and it was tres yummy. Today was exciting! We collected the car - the car I CAN DRIVE!!!! Yes, I AM excited/thrilled/over the moon - why do you ask :P Chris headed into town on the train at 9am to catch the 10:08 train from town to Sylvia Park. I thought that having nearly 30 minutes between arrival at Britomart and the Southern train departure would be ample. Apparently not. The train stopped in the tunnels just before Britomart where Chris could not get off. After calling the lovely sellers and explaining the situation they kindly drove the car into town, met Chris at the University and he got home, in the pouring rain, at 12:30. Not a bad morning's work! I had spent the time packing up stuff, cleaning the bathroom, baking, doing a load of laundry and vacuuming under the bed (while K drew on the cot and windowsill with crayon - grrr!). After K's nap we headed out to MOTAT - as it was free for Waitakere residents. The rain had completely dried up and the sky was blue and clear. Perfect weather for dashing about MOTAT. We met up with Ruth and co. Finn chose to recline in his stroller and view the sights from there - he was in a chilling mood obviously. I still have a voucher so that Chris and Sue can take K again while I am in hospital. OMG!! K did not stop. He ran, he squealed, he shrieked his joy at seeing trucks and trains and cars and tractors. He leaped off haybales, investigated plasma balls, cranked levers and ran, ran, ran for the 2 hours we were there. There was a station there where you could make hot air balloons by cutting out the paper basket, then attaching it to a helium balloon. FREE!! I cut it out, took one look at the instructions and allocated the task to an engineer while I (literally) ran after a toddler for 10 minutes. I could not help but notice that Ruth, complete with miniature hot air balloon tied to her stroller, joined me at the Woolshed set where K was frisking through the straw, a good 6 minutes before the engineer arrived with his balloon in tow :P Chris and I feel quite fragile now - and definitely in need of our beds! K ate a HUGE dinner and was asleep by 7:30... a whole hour earlier than normal! Tomorrow I have planned.... nothing. It is our lazy day - and lord knows we need one!
Thursday, 13 May 2010
1 week and counting

I am torn between wanting him here already so I can stop being preggers - and waiting a little bit longer... but I am definitely weighing in more on the here! now! let's not wait side of the argument haha.
Tuesday, 11 May 2010
Miserable Morning

Monday playgroup went swimmingly! K had an absolute blast and slept fantastically well. Tuesday we had the PORSE session again, and once again my little munchkin raced out of the house Henrywards. Obviously this PORSE thing is working out great in terms of personality fit haha :)
Today is my second to last Plunket Coffee Group session - wow, everything will be coming to a screeching halt shortly! K is still asleep and it is nearly 8am!! It must be cos the morning has dawned dark and ominous. I fear rain shortly. Woe. I shall have to go in and wake him shortly as we have to leave the house by 9ish so I can take all my documentation into WINZ to apply for the childcare subsidy. No plans for this afternoon as I need to clean the house as coffeegroup is at my place tomorrow. Then tomorrow night is the Plunket meeting.... busy busy busy!!
Went into WINZ and discovered that Wednesday is the only day they open at 9:30am rather than 9am... typical!! However, they processed everything very quickly when I handed it over so that is good! Then I headed into the rooms to set up for the coffeegroup. I shifted the couches around to allow breastfeeding mothers the option NOT to be perved at through the door and found truckloads of papers and SKIP/PEPE material stashed all over the place. Methinks I need to speak with Suzie as the rooms are very quickly becoming a glorified storeroom for all this other literature - and that's not what they are there for! I was fair knackered by the time the session finished and I struggled home. In the POURING RAIN and WIND. Yup, winter's arrived :( K got home and wittered for his milk and bed and I obliged him. I am about to poour my drenched cold self into bed too. Mmmmm, bed!
Sunday, 9 May 2010
Dr Seal I presume

Thursday, 6 May 2010
2 weeks to go

Wednesday's coffeegroup went well, with another new person turning up!! Yay. Numbers still seem to sit at 2 or 3 people per session tho. K enlivened proceedings by slamming his fingers in the door he was asked repeatedly to leave alone so it was a pretty depressing afternoon as he kept bursting into tears and begging for cuddles.
Tomorrow is Chris's graduation so I spent the evening baking bread, cooking dinner, and ironing shirts and pants.... yup, good times :) I have also got everything ready for K's PORSE session tomorrow so tomorrow should go smoothly :) Fingers crossed anyway.
Monday, 3 May 2010
The PORSE lady was over yesterday and filled in her part of the WINZ documentation. This is good as we will receive a subsidy towards K's care - almost half the cost!! I will drop the forms off to WINZ tomorrow, before I head off to the Plunket coffee group.
Mother's day is this Sunday and I have given Chris a list of items I would like. Whether I will get more than a kiss in the morning is the real acid test though :)
Sunday, 2 May 2010
Bast*rd battery
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