Man, good times have not abounded in Chez Seal. Chris is experiencing enough back pain that he is sucking down Voltaren and I am dragging my energy-devoid carcass around in a listless fashion. K has bounced right back from HIS cold - so I was forced to dress and leave the house this morning. I took him down to the Glendale playground and rugby field where he raced around like a maniac with me trudging along behind, husking directions (NO K, do NOT run into the men's public toilets, Darling boy, please don't run towards that big UNLEASHED dog... etc) and otherwise letting him run wild. I am sure my parenting style raised a few eyebrows - but what care I for the opinions of strangers haha. We then walked up and down the perimeter of the field with K touching each wooden post of the chain fence and me counting to 10, then starting again from 1... My voice got huskier and huskier - it is now nonexistent. At noon I threw the kidlet into the truck and drove home where I fed the beastie and got him into bed. I collapsed into bed, but couldn't sleep...until 2:05. Guess what time K woke up... 2:18... Can you feel the joy? K amused himself with puzzles for most of the afternoon while I slumped on the floor next to him, gamely interacting, all the while wishing I could creep upstairs to have a nap. I also put on and hung out 3 loads of washing, made Chris soup for dinner, baked K choc chip muffins and prepared K a sumptuous dinner - which he didn't eat. As my condition is worsening I reckon K will experience a truly sucky day tomorrow - poor little guy.
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