Yesterday did not begin well. For starters the sodding birds in the garden wake K up at 5:45/6am each morning. We thought 6:30 was bad? Oh nooooo, this is worse, much worse! And not just ONE bird, heaven forfend. There seems to be at least a dozen of the feathered fiends carolling outside!! Grrrrg. And it rained. On and off, on and off. Sigh. I took K up to the library and the shops, then we got home and mopped the floors (K tried to drag the bucket around the house, and tapdanced across the freshly mopped tiles...) and cleaned the oven, and swept and scrubbed and basically made myself miserable :P A parcel arrived though, which caused much excitement within Chez Seal. It was a little outfit (and a teapot) from Marjorie and Ken. The outfit was just adorable and K wore it to sleep in last night. The teapot was also very nice. It is still in the box as we have officially RUN OUT OF SPACE. It was bound to happen :)
This morning dawned early (dangnabbit, stupid birds!) and wet, very wet. I had been planning on walking to Mainly Music but decided to drive hehe. They had a bugs theme and K was quite displeased with the antennae I made for him before the session started. I have so many gorgeous photo's - he was just too cute!! I will try and download them onto Chris's pc and pop them on FB as well. Tomorrow may be a coffee group at my place if the weather continues wet, as going to a park in the rain would be nasty. And that's it from me, for now anyway :)
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