These last few days have been... interesting. K has been very clingy and prone to tears at the drop of a hat. It doesn't help that he looks like Ali after the Rumble in the Jungle either! However, we went for a walk up to the library and shops yesterday as the weather was so nice. K leaned forward in his stroller like a racing car driver and shrieked with glee whenever he saw me. Consequently I spent much of the trip running ahead then turning to see K, who was squealing with delight and waving at me. Lots of waving from my end and then the cycle repeated itself. I was knackered by the time we got to the library :) The librarians were horrified to see K's little face, and to hear that it had happened in their library - but it could have happened anywhere. Alas.
Today is Father's Day and the father in this household is getting pancakes cooked for his breakfast - at least, he will do once I have played Farmville and he has finished his sleep-in. We DID have a block of chocolate as a present - but I note with chagrin that it seems to have changed shape and size from yesterday - someone obviously didn't want to wait! And he says that I am the impatient one!
Aaaaaand Happy Father's Day to Dad and Kingsley - I hope you have a wonderful sunny day, doing what you want to do :)
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