You will be pleased to know that K has finally forgiven Chris for all the cold baths while he had gastro - and even gave him a snuggle and a loving pat or 2 on the back tonight :) We still experience the dying swan routine (sigh) but the clinginess has faded a bit. K has learned to open the doors out to the garage. This skill has eventuated through his passionate desire to enter the garage a room full of very exciting things, like sharp implements, poisons, and precariously stacked boxes... what's not to love? :P I witnessed him mimicking the karate kid stance, tho in K's version he stood poised above the paddling pool (fully dressed, 5 mins before we were going to head off to MM) and with the speed of a striking cobra dipped his toes into the pool and whipped them out again. His pants were perfectly dry after this. I was amazed!
The twin's had a very nice christening - and a veeeery long service which included the battle of britain remembrance. K was very good but after an hour and 10 minutes I had to take him outside. Little boys can only be good for so long after all :)
We headed off to Western Springs yesterday and K romped with abandon. The black swans scuttled madly about as they feasted on scones, crackers and muffins, while adroitly avoiding the caresses of overexcited little boys. K had a ball at mainly music today - though his dodgy tum meant we wanted lots of cuddles. Not such a good thing when you can smell a stinky little bottom - pooooh! Tomorrow's coffee group is going to be at the Parrs Corner playground. K hasn't been there before so he should LOVE it
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