Today Chris took the day off and we headed off to Western Springs at 8:45am. I cursed myself for forgetting my camera!! It was a gorgeous sunny day, with daffodils beginning to bloom and the mist burning off over the lake. There were chickens, and ducks, and pukeko's to be chased - and chased they were. We then moved more than 4 metres into the park!! Kieran found a goose and chased it into the undergrowth. The poor bird kept looking over its shoulder as it fled, in disbelief that K hadn't given up yet! We saw lots of cygnets -but only for the Black swans oddly enough. However there were some small greyish swans on the lake and I wondered if the white ones hatched a bit earlier? And we found lots more geese - and goslings too! K was enraptured. Swans swarmed around our ankles (note to self - next time bring bread!!) and dogs jogged by with their owners sending K into paroxysms of delight. We did a circuit of the lake and headed into the zoo. K was in 7th heaven!!! The zoo rocked - say no more. K especially liked the Macaw, which kicked up a hell of a racket - right in front of his face, and the African Grey - which was creeping down the mesh of the cage towards K's eager little fingers... we left, precipitiously. We finished up the zoo trip at the Gibbon's cage - and he gratified K immensely by howling and hooting up a storm. I had always thought all that noise was from a tribe of monkeys. No, just one little black one :)
Tomorrow is mainly music and I am thinking about walking there and back - we will see what the weather does....
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