The year is just flashing by! Soon it will be Christmas and then Kieran's 2nd birthday!! On friday I looked after Alex for a few hours so Kym had a couple of child free hours on her birthday. Alex is a great kid and was a pleasure to look after. Unfortunately, he had a runny nose... a nose that has been passed onto Kieran, and now onto me boohoo. On sunday we headed over to Simon's to celebrate his birthday. I had spent much of the morning baking a pumpkin pie.. which I placed on the hood of the truck and forgot about. I remembered the pie in Henderson, but alas, by then it was long gone!! I was gutted! We spent 2 exciting days trying to adjust K's sleep schedule to daytime savings- a pox on daylight savings!! However, our efforts have borne fruit and he settled easily this evening. Maybe it was the 2 walsk today. I seized a gap in the showers this morning to walk up to the shops and library. I bought some veges and 2 bananas for K- one of which he devoured in the strolller. Later, after his nap, we walked down to the playground by the library where K had the sass run out of him, and me!! We headed into the library after and then I bought 4 more bananas - for the snufflepig. He also ate 2 and a half banana's today - I could count the number of times he ate an entire banana on one hand - let alone 2 1/2!!
I have no idea what our plans for tomorrow are - if the weather is nice I might take K to CraigAvon or Parrs Park.... we'll see.
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