Thursday, 3 September 2009

Battered and Bloody

My poor baby!! One minute he was sauntering around the library, the next he tripped, falling headfirst into a wooden shelf of children's books. I knew it had to hurt due to the angle that he hit it at, snatched him up. He started screaming right away so it was only when the sobbing eased down a notch that I peeled him away and saw his face. I felt sick. There was blood all over the side of his face, and swelling up inside the skin of the cut which was already blue-black. I raced out of the library and across the road to Westview Medical centre. The receptionist took one look at K and sent me upstairs straightaway. I had to hold some icepads to K's eye for almost 30 minutes and that did not go over well, before the doctor swabbed him down and glued the cut shut. Despite sobbing in a heartrending fashion K only struggled weakly. The good news is that the Dr said there is no concussion, damage to the eye or brain damage. I still feel sick.

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