Thursday 25 March 2010

Coffee group and caterwauling

Today I sprang from my bed..... hahaha that would be telling lies!! Last night it rained heavily. This disturbed young squeak - to the point where he roused 6x in under 3 hours. As I was the poor benighted soul heaving her pregnant carcass out of bed to deal with the shrieks each time I was less than impressed. Things settled down after 11, with only 2 callouts (so to speak). The crunch came at 2:30am where the miscreant was sternly informed that it was night time - ergo sleepytime, and that all the other members of the family were enjoying their slumber and so should he. When shrilling erupted again, a mere 30 minutes after this message, I rolled over, rolled my eyes at the cat (snuggled up on my pillow) and went back to sleep. Problem solved :P This morning K joined me for a snuggle in bed, then joined his father in the shower while I prepped breakfast - the breakfast that he did not eat..... oy. Then I baked biscuits and garlic and parmesan bread, tidied the house, washed dishes, did laundry, cleaned self and rugrat and invited Isabelle over cos Suzie was coming over too. The kids had a great time, feasting on biscuits and watermelon, and checking out K's toy chest. Bandit strolled in, recoiled and went to sulk on the stairs. Big mistake. Huge! K is now asleep, replete with star shaped pikelets and Bandit is asleep in the hot water cupboard. I am about to have a nap, after all, Bandit will be off to the vet at 5 for his overnight stay - not that he knows this yet.... We'd better stock up on tuna for his return tomorrow evening.
Apparently Farmers has a 50% children's clothing sale. This is good as K has had a growth spurt and fits nothing. At least the Farmers Teeny Weeny brand size 2 will still fit him, so I will stock up on some pants, long sleeved shirts, a winter jumper and a set of pj's.... hopefully that will see us through winter cos we need to pick up a few things for the baby yet! Aaargh just found out Farmers sale ends today - there goes that idea! Will have to wait for Easter sales and hope for the best! The weather was lovely this morning but now rain falls gently upon the land... let it fall! I am going nowhere, and the washing is hung up in the garage - sweet!

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