Wednesday was lovely and sunny. I seized the moment to make pizza dough, wash the lounge doors, do some cleaning and babywrangle. Bridget was exceptionally kind. She turned up at the house with the antibiotic prescription so that I could have a full days worth of antibiotics. I had just been bracing myself to get both boys up the hill in the stroller and was relieved not to have to make the effort!! She irrigated the infected spots and taped them open to drain. As a result I am a little less keen to get out and about! I took the boys down to the playground yesterday afternoon - as it was sunny and the playground was now open again. K had a blast but as we were walking home tried to head over to Isabelle's. When thwarted in his desire he raced off around the corner - ith me racing after him as I could hear cars coming. I wound up having to carry him back to the abandoned stroller and wrestle him into the house. My wound didn't thank me for that, let me tell you! Today is cloudy then sunny then cloudy... but it's not raining!! Today K headed off to PORSE where he had a lovely time. Cam and I had a snuggle then I made dinner and baked an apple and rhubarb pie. Suzie came over with a bouncinette chair for Cam to borrow and we had a good chat. She is off to Perth for a week from tomorrow - aaaah, holidays... with small children ;P Bridget came round and confirmed that Cameron is packing on the fat. Poor boy has a nasty rash on his bottom :( But he had a lovely bath after Bridget left which he seemed to enjoy. Both boys are currently asleep. When they wake I shall feed them, and head out to the park - Good times!
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