Young Hic is a noisy wee beggar. And he is LOUD in the night. We are never sure if he is actually awake when the sounds of hiccupping, snorting, chittering, yawning, gasping, coughing, sqeeing and moaning fill the bedroom. Mostly he is asleep- - but it means I wake up, check the cot, lie down, try to go back to sleep and then repeat the process. Sigh. Today was good. We walked up to the library and shops with the stroller and K had a fab time at the library while I showed off the little one. I am glad we didn't walk too much further though as my wound is aching now. Once home Chris dived into making home made chicken nuggets and pavlova (the result of which the kitchen looks like a bomb site) while I cuddled young Hic. Tomorrow we are heading into Henderson to let K play in the playground by Farmers. K has also formed a violent attraction to In the Night Garden and wanders around the house each morning asking for "Piggle". Yup, that would be Iggle Piggle :)It;s a long weekend - Queen's Birthday - and I get to have Chris around for an extra day - almost as good as a day off haha :)
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