Cameron is a little piggling!! When the midwife weighed him yesterday he had put on half a kilogram in a week!! He is now 4.2kg's - up a kilo from his birthweight - and now fits newborn clothes rather than prem. He is making a valiant effort to hold up his head, eats well, usually sleeps well and shrieks like a trapped weasel if snackin's are delayed longer than 2 seconds!! I am however exhausted!! K had a 24 hour tummy bug on Monday night - the same night that it took until 11pm to get Cameron down. At 10:40 Chris headed downstairs with K and moments later the sound of liquid hitting the tiles at high velicity reached my ears. A happy time was had by all, as K endured a cold shower with his dad, and I got C down, and then Chris had the unenviable task of cleaning the vomit off the floor. Boy, did it stink!! So we were knackered. K crept in with us later that night and so not much sleep was had by all. And I had to cancel K's PORSE session - sigh. Te weather has been pretty good tho, it was lovely and sunny on Wednesday when I walked the boys in their stroller to the Plunket session. They had a good time. That evening I managed to set off the fire alarm cooking K his fish dinner. K ran around like a headless chicken, screaming his fear to the skies.... while C slept right through it. How, I do not know!! K was a grumpy little devil on thursday - buit at least he went off to PORSE :) Today is a bit of a mare. C slept on me from 7pm to 10pm then I only got C to sleep at 1:20am. He woke up and screamed every time I put him in the cot... and Chris left to go sleep somewhere else..I assume on the couch. At 4am C woke for a feed and just as he was finishing K crept in and jumped into bed. It was damn difficult as I couldn't settle C down into the cot and was holding K so he didn't fall off the side of the bed. Chris returned around this time and shortly afterwards K vanished and went to his father's side of the bed. He has been a whiny little horror today and has been put down for his nap early... sigh. It's gonna be a long day..... BUT I have booked C's first round of vaccinations - yay, another sleepless night coming up!
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