Oh my god! Why is it when you finally get one child settled/asleep etc the other one instantly needs attention - even if they are in another room and shouldn't know that there is a free spot... it's like toddler/baby Spidey senses I tell ya! Cameron is going great guns on the feeding (sigh, I begin to yearn for formula...) and sleeping is good. We have three feeds in the night - usually 11pm, 2am and 5am. However he only goes to sleep around 8:30 or 9 So I am knackered by the time I have gotten him down. This weekend went really well. It was a long weekend so I got to have Chris around for an extra day - that was good :) It even meant that I got a sleep-in on Monday. We headed out to Henderson on Monday too - K has fallen deeply in love with In the Night Garden, especially "Piggle" - to the point where he almost cries when the episode comes to an end. So, we bought him the dvd of the series. I am guessing it is the first 5 episodes? It is enough to keep a little boy happy though - that's the most important thing. I know we did other stuff - but it was mainly stuff like prepping meals and babywrangling. Inadequate sleep has meant neither of us has been, or wishes to be, a social butterfly. On a brighter note, my wound infection has begun clearing up - yay!! - so hopefully I will be able to drive in a week or so! I see the midwife tomorrow and will ask her about that :)
K and C are trucking on nicely - K gives C lots of kisses, and we are reading a lot more stories haha. Hopefully, once I am driving K will be able to get out more and not be so stir crazy!!! Fingers crossed!
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