Yawn, there are many questions I lie awake at night and ponder. Questions like: Why can my sodding belly not scrunch up so I can SLEEP, or Why am I not the world's best baker, or Why must the cat sleep right on my throat, or Why does Kieran have to come into the room 4 times in a night... OK, kidding on that last one. He only came in once... but it WAS at 4am, and since he was popped into bed, by his father, where he munched a biscuit (CRUMBS!! Crumbs in the BED!!) and noodled about until Chris (muttering profane comments under his breath) took him back to his bed. Then this morning we had fun and games under the tree in our garden. Bandit was perched halfway up it howling like an air raid siren, with K leaping about underneath like a kangaroo and screaming "Bandit!! Bandit!!"While high in the tree a half grown moggy howled its angst to the sky. Much havoc ensued, until we were able to get the cat de-treed, and my 2 boys cooped away from the action... and it hadn't even turned 8am!! K approves of his new bedroom layout - sans futon. He romps over the beanbag, and has a ball playing with his toys (when he is not throwing them down the stairs that is. Sigh). I trudged up the hill with K enjoying the sunshine for the new mothers coffeegroup. There was a new baby there - with both his parents - which was lovely to see. We mooched home and K tucked into the roast potatoes I got him for his lunch, disdaining the chicken. Sigh. However, I did hear back from Waitakere Hospital and we are seeing the Obstetrician on Friday morning - which is excellent news. I also discovered that the BBC made a 30 minute short film of The Gruffalo. Cunning investigation revealed that one can purchase this from the BBC so we may have to think about this as K just LOVES LOVES LOVES the Gruffalo book, and the sequal the Gruffalo's Child. We have to buy him the second one (TGC) as the library copy is looking a little tattered. I made fish for dinner - one of K's favourite meals -primarily cos I am a lazy tart who couldn't face the walk to the Mad Butcher for meat and the fish shop is on the way home from the Plunket rooms. Chicken kebabs will do for dinner tomorrow and then... the weekend, and Chris doing all the cooking! Yeehaa!!
Aaaaand Ruth and I are going to see Alice in Wonderland in 3D - Gosh, my first movie for 6 months!!! Weehee!!
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