Aaah it's been high jinks at Chez Seal let me tell you. The great weekend clean up has been and gone and the house looks great. Well, great apart from the box of inorganic stuff sitting out on the lawn..... The inside looks good though, although the floor desperately needs a mop. Somehow I find myself completely unmotivated to perform this chore! On Monday I decided all the tag ends from the cleanup needed to be addressed and vital tasks (like rearranging the medicine chest) undertaken. Yes, I am in the throes of nesting fever, why do you ask? :) So K and I stayed home on Monday. It was a happy day as K visited the naughty step again and again - and for the same, oft repeated, action - yup, throwing things down the stairs. I do not love him very much when I take 2 steps up and have to duck a mega blocks truck as it hurtles towards me! I am also putting together a rainy day activity box, and just need to convince people to give me their old wrapping paper, unused stickers and greeting cards. I have bought some card stock, glue, glitter, stickers and hope this will see us through the early days of Cameron. I baked some Chia bread today and it turned out very nicely. Next time I may add some more salt to the mixture. I have also trimmed the wee ones hair. It had become sort of a reverse mullet after the last trim, now it was all party at the front and business at the back - as you can see in the pic :) He looks just lovely now :)
We had the growth/position ultrasound today and the little swine has turned out of breech position - truly, this child does not know how to please his mother! As soon as we got home I hastened to the phone to call Waitakere hospital. As I am no longer breech I don't get an automatic c-section - terrible news I know!! It was good I called as they had no record of the midwife's referral. So I called Bridget next and she will sort it out when she heads into Waitakere hospital tomorrow morning. Tomorrow is my Plunket coffeegroup so we will be out and about for that and then I am heading off to babygym on thursday.
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