Last night I idly chatted to Chris as I waited for sleep to claim me and was reminded that we had a midwife appointment this morning. Whoops! Not 3 hours earlier I had confirmed with Suzie my desire to have K and I ride to playgroup with her.... at 9:30am, co-incidentally the exact same time that we were meeting Bridget. A quick phone call in the morning sorted it all out and we met with Bridget before Chris dropped me, K and the carseat off at playgroup. K had a blast! I felt very guilty that I had not motivated myself to get him there before. I paid for 4 sessions which takes us up to the Monday - 3 days before Cameron is born. This also means that there are only 3 more sessions of babygym for K too, as I doubt I will be hopping out of my hospital bed to take him along on thursday. However, depending on how things work out, his father or grandmother may be able to whisk him off for the 50 minute session. It is 2 minutes drive from the hospital too - convenient or what!! He starts his Porse session next week too - every Tuesday and Friday. I also realised this morning that I need to find a dressy-ish top for Chris's graduation & photo session on Friday (1 week away!!! Eeeek!!). I really don't want to spend more than $50 (borrowing someones clothes would be even better haha) as I won't be wearing it again. I have been browsing online and am appalled at the (expensive) crimes against fashion perpetrated on pregnant women. Ai ai ai. I shall have to get Chris to drop me off at a mall and try and find something this weekend - sigh! Tomorrow is our free day - so K and I will probably head up to the library in the morning, and relax at home for the afternoon.
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