The early part of the week was a write-off - partly due to the awful weather - how much rain have we got in the last 3 weeks!! - and partly due to my breathing/energy issues. On wednesday K was investigating the kitchen while I prepared his dinner. I heard a suspicious "Splooosh" and turned around to see that K had poured one of his nighttime bottles all over himself. He just stood there staring at me, milk dripping off his eyelashes, off his clothes. He gazed at me with worried green eyes (cause he KNEW he isn't supposed to sneak the milk haha) and I started to scold him, but gave up and laughed my ass off, he started laughing too... as he dripped onto the floor. His little face!! On thursday I took K up to the library for storytime (we walked.. well, I walked and he rode in the stroller). It was pirate themed and K had a blast until a chorus of "Arrr's" signalled Pirate Captain Rob's arrival. The hearty "Yarrr!" bellowed from behind K scuttled his interest in the books, and signalled the return of Owl-eyed-limpet-boy. He clung to me the rest of the session, refusing to stand , or let go of me.... sigh. Then on thursday afternoon I prepared lasagna while I chased K into the garden and gave him kiss attacks. I was exhausted by the time the lasagna was made, and K had been fed and bathed. Chris got home, and we headed out to Jen's for dinner with friends. We had a great time but K didn't sleep until we got home (at 10:20) and tucked him up with a bottle. On friday we stared out at the rain before I decided I couldn't take the lack of company anymore, and we headed out to Kym's. It was good to catch up and K had a ball playing with Alex's toys. We left just before noon - and as the rain poured down the traffic moved like glue.... naturally K fell asleep 5 minutes from home. I attempted to transfer him to the cot with some milk - with no success! Aaaiiiyyeeee. I was actually counting on his naptime as the house was a mess - no seriously, it was a shocker! Alas, no go. Isabella popped around - of course, she WOULD, when the house looked like incontinent monkeys had rampaged through it while eating 18 loaves of toasted bread. And her house so pristine... oh well. By the time Chris got home I was yearning for a nap. Instead, I was dragged out to the shops as Chris desperately needed a new pair of shoes. Not just because his current pair smile at him and are very reverent but also because he has his Viva Voce on Monday. Yup, he has his oral defense of his PhD on Monday. This is a BIG DEAL and Chris has been as nervous as a long tailed cat in a room full of rocking chairs. We checked out several purveyors of footwear and settled on a pair of Hushpuppies. Today, the weather continues rotten and K continues sleep deprived so we stayed home this morning. K got put to bed early and I made hamburger patties for dinner. Later, we will head out to the library and go food shopping. Depending on the weather we will head out to Craig Avon park so K can have a run around. No plans for Sunday except that both Chris and I need to study :P
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