On thursday we had coffeegroup. Despite K deciding to dissolve into fits of tears we went - in the pouring rain - and he had a great time. I forget what I did on thursday afternoon - it was obviously completely unforgettable :P On friday I headed up to the library on foot (it wasn't raining - imagine!!) and K participated in the first active movement session at the library. He danced, he pranced, he hugged toys, he stole balls, he beamed with delight - and made an utter spectacle of himself. I was exhausted just watching him! I only just managed to get him home before he succumbed to the lure of that evil siren, Sleep. That afternoon I went off to the Glendale road playground/fields. I took a ball and K frisked and frolicked like a puppy at my heels. I called it quits after 40 minutes of sprinting across rugby fields and lolloping around playgrounds, as I do not have the energy reserves of my son! On saturday K woke up at 6am. This was particularly sucky as it was Chris' sleep-in...sigh!! Later, I studied while Chris babywrangled, then we headed out to the zoo for the late afternoon. We were extremely lucky, arriving (umbrella free) as the sky clouded over and the deluge began, leaving as the skies cleared and blued up.. head:desk! We were able to view the lions, cheetahs et al but especially 2 seals, one of which reminded us irresistably of Colin. I think it was the way it hovered by the window, winking and showing off its mad skilz. The whiskers might have had something to do with it too :P
Tomorrow Chris will take K off to Bethels to run him ragged while I study....aaah, Boy, dad and dogs. He'll LOVE it!!
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