I headed out today to meet up with Ruth for our visit to Motat. I fled the house, terrified that I would be late to meet Ruth at 9:40 - but was only 5 minutes late hehe). We parked by Western Springs/Zoo and walked through the park to get to Motat. It took us around 20 minutes. K frisked alongside like a little lamb, while Fin and Christian rode in the stroller. Once there the boys scattered in 3 different directions and were ruthlessly herded together before breaking apart. Almost like magnets repelling each other, now that I have the leisure to think about it. We saw 2 exhibits in the hour or so we were there (we got there as it opened at 10am). After collapsing onto a park bench in sheer exhaustion we fed the kidlets then walked back to our cars. It was a long walk.... K walked for all of 5 minutes before tearily demanding to be carried. My heart sank. I knew that quavery voice, those baggy eyes. There was NO WAY I was getting home without Squeak falling asleep in the car. And as we know, if I try and get him out of the car and into his cot...he wakes up and doesn't go back to sleep - aaaargh! I hopped in the car, and watched a policecar race down the road, do a U turn in the zoo entrance then turn at the end of the road and race back to the zoo. Very odd. Revving my engine I fled Mt Albert. I was so engrossed in trying to keep K awake (oh yes, and driving too!) that I found myself in the motorway lane. Dammit. As I drove the 20 metres onto the motorway I looked back... and K was asleep. Sigh. The trip was uneventful apart from the plethora of police cars at the Patiki onramp, and a policeman grilling a speeding vehicle in Glendene. I pulled into the drive, gazed at my sleeping son, went into the house and grabbed a book. The truck is not actually that comfortable a place to read a book for 2 hours - let me tell you!! Yup, the little devil slept for 2 hours!! After he woke up and had lunch I took him down to Foodtown to pick up some groceries - and bought smoked salmon. I LOVE smoked salmon. However, compared to K I detest the stuff :) He scarfed it down for dinner like gangbusters, closely followed by some apple slices and a chocolate yoghurt (blame Chris for that!)
My last day with Leviathan is tomorrow and I have NO idea what I will dream up for K to do. Hopefully it doesn't rain. Today was cloudy and cool - and that's workable!!
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