I slept so well last night!! I was knackered and only crawled into bed at 10:40pm which might explain my excellent sleep. I was awakened by the "sweet" chirping of the toddler - a metre from my head (yes, his cot is still in our room, why do you ask?). Chris just groaned and burrowed deeper under the covers. I felt like doing much the same myself!! However, I forced myself awake and graciously received gifts of a bunny, seal and bear (his cot toys). I was then handed a bottle with a beaming smile and "Botta". He'e getting there with the words! Chris expressed his joy by turning off the alarm and digging even deeper under the covers, pursued by the Siamese. I was then handed another bottle, only to have it snatched back when K realised he hadn't drunk any of it!! I hauled him into bed and he drank his bottle and played with the cat and patted the lump that was his father. Chris finally left for work after feeding the kid chocolate so breakfast was much deferred and consisted of a pottle of strawberry yoghurt. I popped K into the bath after Bob the Builder and heard a knock on the door. I was surprised to see Isabella - our neighbour across the road. Her 1 yo has chickenpox and she wanted to know if I could take her little boy to MM with me when I took K. Naturally I laughed in her face and slammed the door...no, I opened the truck so she could get his car seat arranged while I went back up to make sure that K wasn't drowning. He wasn't. MM was good. Esteban was a little trooper and K danced joyously about whenever it wasn't called for and collapsed onto my lap (an interesting trick if your mother is currently standing up!!) whenever the dance numbers came up! Hmmm. He had however polished off most of a banana upon arriving at MM so I forgave him. He then scarfed down some chocolate cake and a biscuit, had a quick play with the toys and then I dashed home and dropped off Estaban. I am sure he was missing his mum after being away from her for an hour and a half! K then ate a sumptuous lunch of half a salami stick, a peanut butter sandwich, and 5 pikelets. More than he normally eats all day!!! I popped him into bed and cleaned out Leviathan. I will vacuum it tomorrow though, as I really can't be bothered today. My Massey summer school folder also arrived today. Aaargh!! How can I goof off while I wait for it to arrive in November if it is already here!!! Unfair, unfair!!
Tonight we are heading off to Rob and Sam's for dinner and tomorrow Ruth and I are taking the boys to Motat. Hopefully the weather is as sunny and gorgeous as it is today. When K wakes up I am going to walk him to the playground and rugby fields so he can stretch his legs :P
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