On Sunday a miracle occurred - a warm, blue sunny day. I nearly fainted with shock and delight. Instantly we decided that the long deferred trip to Bethels Beach would take place - in the afternoon when there was no chance that K would fall asleep in the car hehe. I did many loads of washing and sundry other chores while Chris studiedthen K had his nap. Upon hearing his welcoming chirps (he was reading his book and watching the cat on the bed) we rescued him and headed out to Bryony's. Lunch was fabulous, and Bryony baked a lovely ginger cake that K had to eat with both fists - it was soooo good, you see! K had a ball chasing Rabbit the dog, and cavorting around the deck and assaulting the cat and generally having an incredible time. Then we headed off to Bethel's Beach - and if K had thought he was having a great time at Bryony's he changed his mind. I don't think he stopped screaming with delight for even a second! He dashed about on the warm sand, flung a pinecone about and danced in the shallow wavelets - we never even made it onto the beach proper haha. I was saturated, and sandy and puffed, while Chris glided about at the water's edge carrying shoes and a change of clothes for K. We were there for about 40 minutes. At this stage K was starting to stagger and have the occasional squall - while still having a great time leaping about in the wavelets with his mum! We staggered off to the car where K was stripped to a nappy and dressed in a t shirt and I got to sit all wet and sandy) and desperate for the loo). Once home K barely touched dinner - until I chucked some frosted Shreddies (tres nutritious!) at him - then he was showered and popped into bed. Tomorrow playgroup resumes and on Wednesday Mainly Music. Yay. Hopefully the nice weather will hold too!
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