Today dawned bright and sunny, with the promise of a fantastic day ahead. Alas that it all fell apart so soon. I thought that I would take K to the zoo since the weather was so nice, so I washed up dishes etc before Chris left for work. Kieran and I then walked Chris to the car and returned to the house. It was then that we discovered that three ducks had taken advantage of our absence to sneak inside. Pandemonium ensued. All three ducks flew repeatedly into the ceiling while I tried to chivvy them out the door. Then Kieran began to chase them around the house! head:desk. One managed to make it out the front door, one fled to the garden door - which was closed, while the other cowered in the kitchen. All were shrieking like stuck pigs, sending K into hysterics. After much effort I managed to sneak up (with a child clamped to my leg) on the one by the garden door and got the door open. Turning back to the kitchen I saw to my horror that the third duck had managed to wind the blind cord around a wing and was shrieking and flailing away as it tried to fly out the (closed) kitchen window. Words cannot express my emotions. I managed to get into the kitchen without K, who had trotted towards the other duck, finally prompting it to dash out into the garden. Visions of both CYFS and the SPCA knocking on my door filled my head as I managed to grab the ducks wing and untangle the fiendishly knotted cord. The duck was well behaved during this, trying to break free only once as the cord began to loosen. After that it crouched on the (FILTHY!!!Previously CLEAN!!!) counter as I finished the job, picking my way among all the dishes that had been laid out to dry as I did so (Grrrrr!!!). The bloody thing then hopped onto the frying pan to pick through chicken remains as I opened the kitchen window and when I chivvied it away defecated in the frying pan before falling out the window. So instead of bathing and dressing K and heading out to the zoo I got to calm my unsettled son, clear all the dishes off the door, wash down dung besmeared counters, windowsills and windows (let's not even mention the floor!), and wash all the dishes - again! Then wash out the frying pan. By the time I had finished all that, thrown away papers that were no longer legible, and got K bathed and dressed I was shattered. We didn't go to the zoo, and we will not today because I don't fancy hitting rush hour traffic later this arvo, what with it being Labour weekend and all. It is also my last day with Leviathan - making me even more cross about the feathered terrorists who disrupted my plans for the day. For come Monday I shall be truck free. The pain, the sorrow!! Woe, woe! My exam is on Wednesday so this weekend being Labour weekend is great for me - if not for Chris hahahah!!! I get to study and he gets to babywrangle. ToyWorld has a 20% off all toys on this weekend so we will pick up a couple of puzzles for K too.
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