Wednesday 19 May 2010

24 hours and counting

Sunday was a lovely lazy day and we enjoyed it immensely! On Monday K and I were collected by the lovely Suzie and headed out to Olympic Park for the Playgroup trip. K ran around like a maniac and had a wonderful time. I discovered that I was so pregnant that I could not do more than walk slowly after him, as fast walking was quite painful. Luckily there were many people present to give me the fishy eye and intimate that I was not all I could be as a parent. Naturally, just as Suzie rose to leave K literally sprinted for the hills and I would up standing there waving "bye bye" at him until he pathetically dragged his tearful self back. I grabbed his arm just as he began to turn to run away again - but still got the "bad mother" scowls from those watching. And yet, if I had chased him, I would never have caught up and..... aaaargh!!
On tuesday I drove K to his PORSE session... or at least to the top of the hill, where, as I pressed on the accelerator to pull out into traffic the car's engine just died. Pandemonium reigned. I would up pushing the car out of traffic all by myself (nope, no-one stopped to help!), which was rather tricky as I didn't want the car to whistle back down the hill with K in it!!. I fished K out and staggered down the hill where I called Henry to collect K. We got the car started once K was in Henry's car, and it behaved itself when I picked K up that afternoon. (problem with cold morning and choke) HOWEVER. I must have pulled or strained every muscle in my back, stomach and groin and the pain has been excruciating!! It has finally improved to the point where I can walk without active pain, though I spent much of today terrified that I was going into labour. Chris came home today and took me to get my bloods done at the hospital. I amused myself this morning by baking bread, doing dishes and laundry, packing my hospital bag, playing with K and having a nap. The house is pristine - or it was after I finished preparing dinner!! I have had a lovely bath with my son, shaved my legs while fighting off his offers of assistance and am about to go to bed... after all, tomorrow is a big day!

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