Boy oh boy I miss sleep! The weekend went by like a flash. Possibly it felt this way because on Saturday (my sleep in day) K clamoured for attention by my side of the bed. I pulled him up and he had a lovely cuddle. I then kicked Chris out of bed with Kieran. Somehow K was left behind in the exodus..... Once he was reclaimed I snuggled down and prepared to snooze. The door being flung open with le vigeur startled me awake again and I found myself face to face with my son - who was eagerly presenting me with his teddy. This happened again after his father retrieved him and when they finally trickled off downstairs the cat came in and threw up copiously. I gave up and got up. You will be pleased to know that no such issues marred Chris's sleep-in...... I spent much of the weekend staring at my filthy house and looking after my cold-riddled husband... aaah, good times. It was a relief to pack him back off to work haha. I had been going to take K out for a walk on Monday but we had a rough night (sigh) and I was knackered, there were minutes to type and he was weepy and clingy. It was also humid as! Instead I wafted about in my sarong (roowwrr!) and scrubbed down the bathroom vanity, mirror and horribly filthy floor tiles. This is a task that has been passed onto Chris as I have had constant sciatic pain for the last 20 weeks. Alas, it shows. I think Chris thinks that we have household cleaning fairies.... we do, they got knocked up, and they are out of business... time to man up and scrub some floors sweetie :P. I also enjoyed watching the Olympic figure skating. In fact, I signed us up for the special sports package JUST so I could watch the figure skating hehe. On Tuesday life got a little fraught. Unable to cope with the tsunami of toys across my filthy floor I picked up and tidied toys, swept and mopped - and gazed balefully at Kieran as he frolicked across the freshly mopped floor. The heat (and backpain) was wicked. Afterwards we showered together and I took K out for a walk and "we" frolicked about the library and read books and generally had a blast. Well, one of us did. The other was trying to reach an upright position from a sitting position without howling like a timberwolf. We have both developed a love for Baker Delights Chia bread. Mmmm. Now when K is hungry he hurries over to the pantry and brings out the bag of bread :) After his nap I dragged out the vacuum cleaner and K's eyes lit up - yup, it's just like xmas... it happens so rarely that every time he sees the vacuum cleaner it's like a party :) Vacuuming went well, as K bustled about and helpfully repeatedly turned it off (but also on again when requested by his ever so patient parent - me, that's me!!) and pressing the cord retract button so I had to come back down the stairs to pull out the cord again. Finally, just as I had arranged his homemade chicken pie on his plate for dinner I looked over and he had emptied a bottle of water all over the couch and floor and was running through the puddles with filthy wee feet. I could have killed him. Instead, with remarkable restraint for 6pm and with people due at 7ish, I placed him in his high chair with his dinner - which he didn't eat, and cleaned up the mess before subsiding on the couch and glaring at the women's biathlon result - which is where Chris found me a few minutes later. Naturally K was hungry after no dinner and demanded an extra bottle that night. He also only fell asleep at 10pm!! And then awoke at 3am whereupon I left the bed and lay on the futon in his room waiting for him to fall asleep.... An hour later before I could go back to sleep!!!! Anyway, I wasn't well rested this morning haha. Chris had the day off and we had a midwife appointment first thing. You will be pleased to know that Cameron's heartbeat was strong and steady - even tho K was perched on my chest like the Angel of Death.... Afterwards we went to Baker's Delight (the Chia bread, you know!) and off to visit Kym - who seems quite tired of being heavily pregnant in this sticky weather. K enjoyed pointing to numbers and showing off his numerical prowess in return for lashings of parental praise. On the way home from Kym's K's eyelashes fluttered in an ominous fashion and we raced into the vege store to buy him a frozen berry icecream. It kept him awake until we got home- not bad for $2.50, and Chris and I got some of it too! There was a tricky moment when it fell into the carseat off the cone but it was retrieved, shoved firmly into the cone and passed back into waiting paws. Once we were home K and I hustled into the shower and Chris sponged down the carseat. Then he applied for jobs and K and I napped. This arvo I made an apple and plum pie and plan to have a good night's sleep. After all, tomorrow is baby gym!!
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