Kieran is progressing in leaps and bounds. He has become extremely affectionate to his father (also known as the one who did NOT run away and abandon me), to the point where he has a fit when Chris leaves the house in the mornings. I am not sure if this is because K wants to playdrive the car and believes he is being shortchanged, or if he is indeed momentarily sunk in despair upon Chris's departure. He settles down really quickly though haha. He runs over to us, book clenched in paw, hops onto our lap and closes our hands around the book. This is his subtle way of indicating that a story would be a good idea. He also hoards. Every morning, as he scurries into our bedroom, he has his teddy, bunny, a couple of cars and a bottle clenched in his arms. We call this the hoard (it varies, depending on what was in/next to his bed) and have nicknamed him Smaug. As I roll over to the edge of the bed then pick him up for snuggles between us I am not completely enamoured with the hoard, as it always seems to scrape me, or catch in my hair. No doubt it is a passing fad however :). He has taken to his easel the way the irish take to alcohol and it's a rare day when the crayons aren't out. His face is changing too - he is now a real little boy :) He teases us now when we ask him to point to a bird/whale/duck etc, deliberately pointing at something different - just to see our expressions - and loves to puff on our bellies (or in my case, chest). He has also decided that he is the glue that holds this family together and pulls us together for a 3-way group hug, beaming proudly the entire time.
Our only issue is the struggle to get him to bed at a reasonable hour. It is light so late, and so hot and sticky, that he is only going to sleep around 8:30pm or 9!! Not good!
This week-end I have prepared beautiful meals, baked gorgeous loaves of bread - white and a spiced nut, choc and raisin and baked an apple and strawberry tart. Chris had a crack at another sourdough. It sits hunched on its plate, glowering malevolently at me whenever I am in the kitchen..... Meanwhile I have finished minuting the 5 hour meeting I attended on Saturday - God, I hate minuting, and am back onto my assignment. Which I have to finish by Wednesday night so as to print it, bind it and post it. And then... I am free, FREE!!!!!
And.... this is the week that all the activities are back! Yay, so we are golden for Mainly Music, Baby Gym, Library storytime etc - Hallelujah!!!
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