After slaving away over lo these many days I have completed my third and final assignment. Yeeehaw baby! However, the last few days have not been uninteresting - oh no, not when I have a Kieran running about. On wednesday we headed out to Mainly music. I was feeling pretty pleased with myself after I got washing done, dishes on, and bread ready for baking. By the time I had walked to MM (a half hour walk) I was hot and sweaty and well over the whole concept of exercise. Kieran however was THRILLED to be back at MM again. I think he was just thrilled to get out of the house to be honest. We headed home via the library and vege store and I got to mull over the joy of being 5 months pregnant and feeling the heat. Normally, this is not a problem. After all, I am the girl who wears a jumper in summer ;) Once we were home I got K down for his nap and worked ferociously on my assignment. It went really well - yay - and I was feeling pretty chipper when K sprang from his bed as fresh as a daisy - if not as sweet smelling... peeeyoooo! I decided to make a Spaghetti Bolognaise sauce, a cottage pie and some garlic pizza bases. There was much slicing and dicing and frying and K climbed up on his chair by the counter and helped me knead the pizza bases (which he then drove his trucks through...oh well). I then realised that we had no spaghetti - whoops. I have to mention here that we only go out in the mornings these days. There are 2 reasons for this. The first is that it is seriously hot and unshaded around 3 when we would go out, and the second reason is that building is commencing on the plot of land by our hill. The sidewalk (the ONLY one going up the hill) has signage, trucks, supplies etc across it making it actively dangerous to leave the circle. It is especially dangerous as signage is on the path about a metre from the main road turnoff onto our hill, meaning I have to leave the path, move onto the road, and then get back on to the path past the sign. No car could stop in time. Seriously. There is NO way they could. And every day I get crosser and crosser that the signage hasn't been moved to a safer location. So, back to the spaghetti. Once I realised I was out (and that there was no way I was risking death again for a packet of pasta) I remembered my birthday present of a pasta maker. I hauled it out and gazed at the instruction manual. In Italian. With NO diagrams. I followed their (pathetic) Italian recipe for pasta, looked at the resulting mess and booted up the internet. Seconds later I had a decent recipe and rolled it out. K now realised that exciting things were happening on the kitchen counter and moved from dabbling his paws in the sink (from a chair) to pushing the chair back to his Optimum Viewing Spot (OVS). From his OVS he noticed a crank handle and his eyes grew noticably brighter. Girding my loins I set out using the machine with the eager assistance of a 2 year old. It was fun. No, really. Much frantic cranking (in both directions, thus negating his efforts) resulted before the Wiggles came on and I was abandoned. I made spaghetti with feverish abandon, ever conscious that my little helper might recall his kitchen duties and return to the fray. He did, but I had finished it all - yippee. He had to settle for more splashing in the dishwater while I washed the sharp knives (KIDDING!!). Dinner was pretty awesome if I do say so, and I shall definitely make pasta again soon. Today I ripped through household chores like a monkey on crack. I got 2 loads of washing done- 1 before 7am! Got 2 loaves of bread mixed and set out to bake - my chocolate, walnut and currant loaf was extremely fine, if I do say so - and K and Chris agree! - beds stripped, aired and remade, laundry hung out, dishes washed, child bathed and dressed, soup prepared and we were off to the postshop to buy a large envelope to send off the assignment (Gone! Precious is gone!!) and then to the library for storytime. K definitely approved of the extracurricular activities starting back up and kept squeaking with joy. It was like having a dancing chicken on my lap haha. Sadly this meant that the little devil didn't go to sleep until 1. Once he was up at 3 I prepped a chicken for roasting and relaxed on the couch while K and Bandit scurried about the playtent in the garden, with wee breaks to investigate the paddling pool and snack plate (Kieran) and the bbq and fence (Bandit).
And then, oh sublime happiness, I got my assignment 2 mark- from the pain-filled contact course, an A-, yay me :)
And tomorrow, well we will head up the library for Wriggle and Rhyme - risking death as we march up the hill - and then we might relax at home for the afternoon.
The pool is appealing - but I have no togs. Sigh.
And the week-end cometh!!!!
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