This has been a notable weekend in many respects.
I did some sewing for the first time in 2 years.... Kieran made his first loaf of bread.... It is my first weekend sans assignments - in fact, there is no more study for 2010- eeep, and... it is Kirsten's birthday. Wow.
Wee were going to go to the zoo but life happened!! Yesterday morning we headed out to Spotlight and the Warehouse to pick up fixings for a cloth book and to get a rucksack and toddler reins for K. Could not find toddler reins for love nor money. I wanted to get the ones with a little monkey backpack that has a nice long leash attached. Looks like I will have to look on TradeMe for reins haha. I did get the rucksack tho!! Score! K had a measly 1 hour sleep that afternoon and was an absolute nightmare for the rest of the day - sigh. Today went a little better. He still didn't have a great nap but he was much happier, although given to shrieks whenever I had the cheek to go to the toilet without him. I KNOW?!! What was I thinking hahaha. He did however help me knead the bread and made his own little loaf which was baked in the oven. What a clever wee lad he is. We have been reading a lovely book titled The Adventures of Wombat. I have been investigating places that sell it as K LOVES it. Chris and I can now recite all 4 stories after a mere 48 hours of the book residing in our home. He does love his stories!!!
Next week is shaping up nicely. Tuesday is Chris and I's 8th wedding anniversary, Wednesday is Mainly Music, Thursday is TumbleWeeds (baby gym) so K gets a workout and 2 trips on the train! and Friday is Wriggle and Rhyme. Monday is fairly empty. Thankfully fairly empty as much toy tidying and mopping and scrubbing needs to occur!
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