Gosh this weekend has just sped by!! The sleeping thing seems to be working too. There was some shrilling on sat am but K crept into the futon around 6 and snoozed for another hour and a half, whereupon we went downstairs and let Chris have his sleep-in. Then, once he was awake - much later, we headed out to Lynn Mall where the Adventures of Little Wombat was procured for K, along with a present for Finn, the dvd finding Nemo and a little car. What a lucky boy. He was returned to the house in good time for a snack and a nap. Then when he woke up we bundled everyone into the car and headed off to the zoo as my pass expires on the 22nd. Alas, we arrived 5 minutes after the gates were closed for incomers so headed off to Western Springs where K cavorted, chased geese, oohed and aahed at ducks, averted his gaze from eels and had a ball of a time running Chris and I ragged. There were only three attempts to hurl himself into sundry water features too - obviously the fowl scattered about the pathways were more appealing. On sunday there were no early morning squeakings - yay - and at 7:30am I escorted K to the bedroom and his waiting (snort) father. Well, he woke up quickly enough let me tell you once K was leaping about on the bed! Alas, my sleep in seemed to vanish and by the time we had all had breakfast we realised we were running late for the events of the day! We headed out to Finn's 2nd birthday on the shore. Arriving a mere hour late (it's hard with kids!!) K had a ball, and we just managed to get him home before he fell asleep on the car. Once inside and installed in his bedroom he revived and only fell asleep at 1:15!! This scotched my plan to take him out to the zoo that afternoon. Instead K played with water in the garden while I scrubbed out the pool, and repotted the mulberry. The cat, now known as Spots, sauntered out to supervise and spent a few hours dashing about the garden chased by an eager little boy. Chris made dinner, K and I bathed together and then he was popped into bed.... yay for cooler weather and darker evenings - it sure makes the bedtime routine go a bit easier!
I am hoping that Pascal is able to find the stroller that I, after months of research, have deemed the one best suited for us. If he finds it then it can be brought back to NZ with him - saving us a fortune on shipping. Fingers crossed!!
Tomorrow we are heading out to babygym as thursday is coffeegroup - gosh, it seems like such a long time since I was last there!!!
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