Babygym on Monday went very well. K threw himself about on the equipment with an enthusiasm usually demonstrated only by Olympic athletes (or lemmings!). I put some pics up on Facebook as well as a little video. He absolutely adores it!! It was hard work getting him home awake though as he blew every iota of energy on the babygym and train trip experience haha. I had to jostle him quite rudely to get us in the door with his eyes open. And they fluttered shut as we passed under the lintel! Luckily we managed to milk him and get him off to sleep.... On tuesday K and I hit the library in the morning before we feverishly cleaned house. Chris has people over every tuesday night so it is a good day to clean ;) K has developed a veritable passion for washing dishes as well as helping me to bake. On tuesday he helped me bake a lemon cake then spent an hour and a half washing the dishes for me. Heeheehee. On wednesday it was another filthy sticky day so of course we hiked the half hour to Mainly Music - stopping briefly to pick up dinner fixing's. K spent much of the session on my lap being Mr Clingy - not surprising as this last week has been marked by incredibly poor sleep for us all. By the time I staggered home I was well over the Mainly Music experience. Once K woke up from his nap we made spaghetti bolognaise sauce for dinner as well as lasagna sauce and nacho mix for thursday. Then K washed the dishes and tormented the cat! On Thursday I went along to coffee group where K had a ball. That night I headed out to the Plunket meeting so only got into bed by 11 - yawn! On friday we headed up to the library but didn't stay for Wriggle and Rhyme as K was knackered. That happens when you get up at 5:30am!! Once home he was asleep by 11:30am! I then got to type the Plunket minutes. On Saturday we had planned to go out to the vet, go food shopping and do sundry other things in the morning... Alas, life got in the way and the only thing that happened was Bandit being whisked off to the vet. You can imagine how appreciative he was!! Alas, our nigh 8 year old pussum needs to get his teeth cleaned (receding gums) with the possibility of having to have teeth removed at the same time. The vet needs to knock him out for the procedure so Mr B will be staying overnight. And we get to pay the princely sum of $250 for this - more if teeth are extracted. Sigh. After K's nap - which was 2.5 hours - he always knows when we rely on him having a short nap somehow! - we headed out to Matt and Katherine's joint birthday party, then fled back home around 6 to purchase bits and pieces for dinner. Chris now cooks dinner on the weekends - and has waxed sarcastic about my apparent inability to refrain from directing operations. It's not true, I tell you haha. I advised him on a butternut risotto recipe and he did a fabulous job!! Colin and Ros came around and it was really good. I staggered into bed at 11pm absolutely knackered. This morning was Chris's sleep-in. So K and I went downstairs and finished washing the dishes leftover from last night. I left him to it while I scrubbed body butter off the glass garden doors. I then fed him - a whole 6 teaspoons of weetbix! Later today we are heading out to see Kym - who has finally delivered herself of a lovely little girl. Then this afternoon I have a TCANZ meeting to attend, then I get to come home, babywrangle and do the typing up of said minutes. Yawn. I was going to take K to playgroup on Monday but am considering having a day off haha!!!