C is thoroughly enjoying starting solids - and what a messy beast he is!!! He rolling about like a loon and is desperate to crawl :) On saturday we visited rob and sam, borrowed their high chair and also visited spotlight on henderson road - also known as the store from hell! It took 40 minutes to get some fabric, the salesperson was rude, overcharged me and didn't give me a bag... Iwrote a complaint and they asked me to come in so they can :make it right". Perhaps saturday...The fabric will be used to make C a hat and also xmas presents for the twins. I was going to make K a superhero costume for the Glen Eden santa parade but Rob and Sam kindly lent us a Spiderman costume. We made a cat kite on friday. K mixed the paint. He was very excited as we cut out and painted the kite. I visited Kym yesterday morning, while the cat kite dried, at least, it was supposed to be morning! C threw a spanner in the works by sleeping for 2 hours 15 minutes! W drove past many trucks etc which K really enjoyed. He had a blast playing with Alex. Sadly he became very tired and fell asleep in the car. He slept for 15 minutes and woke up a right little horror! Even taking his kite to the playground to fly it didn't help - especially when he smashed it to the ground while having a tantrum.... on saturday we went to a BBQ over at Isabelle's. It was good fun and K cavorted about. They headed off to Quebec on Sunday. I don't know how K will cope without them haha. On Sunday we went to the Arataki Kids day which sent Chris's blood pressure through the roof. K used to be terrified of bouncy castles. At the kids day he flung himself on the "circus" and wouldn't come off. We hauled him off and he threw such a strop he had a timeout in the car. Sigh! I was mulling over doing a letter to santa so asked K what he wanted from Santa.... apparently he wants an ice cream and a lollipop lol! He loves Splat the cat books and we were debating getting him the splat books and Splat stuffed toy from the book depository for his birthday....we will see. On monday we went into playcentre and k loved it as always. I had a playventre meeting on monday that ran very late, so very late that Chris wass pacing the floor when I raced in the door....and he was jolly cross. On tuesday we went to visit Suzie and Amanda. K bustled about, playing with her toys and getting into the playdough like no ones business. Both boys slept like dream when we got home at 2! On wednesday we had plunket coffeegroup and K's behaviour was positively angelic! As a reward we will ride the train into henderson, buy some summer pj's, some xmas paper, pay money at the toyshop for K's xmas present, and pick up the plunket newsletter. I also have a Plunket meeting tonight, and a skype meeting to minute on Sunday..... Good times!
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