Bandit surprised us the other day with not one but TWO mice, both lovingly stashed in the house. One had passed on to the great Brambly Hedge in the sky but the other was very much alive (and very well hidden by Mr B). Chris hurried out the door with the mouse hanging by its tail and flung its corpse into the garden. I am sure it was mere coincidence that it was flung at the fence of our loud party throwing neighbours :) After hunting high and low we found the mouse stashed in a box. It waxed lyrical and bitter on its predicament, and was released (again next to the neighbours fence). On Halloween we headed out to Craigavon park for a picnic. I dressed the boys as pirates and we had a blast! The weather was gorgeous and the boys really enjoyed themselves. A little orchard was planted opposite our playground, across the stream and K and I and C in the stroller headed over to the new community orchard which was planted across the stream from our playground. K was more interested in the mural on the wall than the orchard itself but enjoyed the walk, especially as we went on to the playground by the library. The week passed in a blur of meetings and minuting :) Guy Fawkes was then upon us and again our home sounded like we were sited in Iraq. Cameron then decided to destroy us by NOT SLEEPING. This has gone on ever since Guy Fawkes. The combination of a cold, fireworks and his first tooth have turned mr I sleep 8 hours a night into mr I wake every 85 minutes. Sigh. Some hard work has gone into trying to get his daytime sleeps sorted and last night we had slightly over 2 hours before each waking. I miss sleep! Today we picked our first strawberry which C shared with Chris. K declined to participate. We need to plant nasturtiums so that we can pickle their seeds. Apparently they are just like capers - but cheaper! K has dealt instant death to any tomato or capsicum seedling foolish enough to try and grow in my pots. They are now cunningly hidden throughout the house where he can't dig them up or tip out the soil. I plan to make C a new hat this weekend and also need to ..... see next entry
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