It's been an exciting few days. Having felt somewhat nauseated over several days I celebrated Thursday with the onset of a quite delightful tummy bug. In fact, between one of my many dashes too the loo I emailed Chris to request an early departure from work if he could manage it. Lack of sleep - Cam's current routine of waking every couple of hours is quite ennervating - and illness do not a good parent make. Chris arrived home just after I collapsed on the bed for a quick lie down. Some panadol helped with the fever, but the 3 hour sleep I had helped more. I was still feeling pretty ill - and tired, thanks Cam! - the next day but I wasn't sick enough to keep Chris home. Alas, I had to renew my drivers license which had expired. The boys and I caught the train in. At this point I have to say that the boys behaved exceptionally well, as we hunted for the AA for nigh on 40 minutes. I then stopped the hunt to buy some baby food and allow K a play in the New Lynn playground. We resumed the hunt and found the sodding store 20 metres from the train station where I would have seen it had I not headed off on the other side of the road to post a parcel! Grrrr. I entered, and queued... and queued. Nearly an hour passed before I got to the counter. At this point I must note that the license is in my maiden name. I wished to have it in my married name. Apparently I did not have enough forms of id for this. Apparently some of my id only having Shannon Tracey, and the rest having my full name was such a cause for concern that my license could not be reissued. I had left the house at 10am. It was now 12:50. The boys were frantic, C in particular was having hysterics as he was hungry. K was just bored. I totally lost it. It was a hot day and I was still ill, had walked in a hot day up hill and dale to be told to come back later. Anyway, I left the store and it's mile long queue and bought birthday presents as K was attending Georgia's birthday on Saturday and Nicole's the following week. We then hopped on the train, and got home at 1:40. Both boys slept like the dead. K only staggered downstairs just past 4 and was ruthlesly hustled out of the house. Aware that I had the birthday party and the Santa parade on Saturday I knew I had to get my license that day. By the time I dragged a tearful tot to the train station we had missed 2 trains, and caught the 5:05 which got us to New Lynn at 5:18. There was one person waiting in line but the (ahem) person who had served me earlier was bollixing up their request in fine form. I eventually wound up insisiting on being served by someone as quote " it's now 5:28 and I AM NOT coming back here tomorrow". After the long and drawn out process was completed I left, bought bread for dinner and caught the 6:08 train... which had Chris on it :)
Saturday saw the return of my dodgy tum and the hogging of the toilet facilities. I had to cancel going to the birthday party which was really sad, as K had been so excited about it. However I still had to buy a sack of onions slice them and drop them up at the Plunket Sausage Sizzle along with the other bits and pieces. Suffice it to say that I barely made it there, before fleeing to the bathroom again. This occurred several times and I finally managed to stagger off home, meeting Chris (who'd been volunteered to bbq) and Jen on the way. I put K to bed fairly soon after we got home, ditto Cameron, as they were fairly knackered and I needed them to be good in the parade. The parade went well, K cavorted about in his Spiderman costume and when I asked if he wanted to walk or ride in the stroller stated "I want to RUN!" And run he did.... He had a blast. That evening Chris succumbed to the dreaded bug but Cameron surprised us all with a lovely 5 hour sleep, quick feed then a further 4 hour sleep. What a wonderful lad he is!! Sadly his brother was up and down all night long :( Sunday started out well. Chris made beetroot relish, which he liked so much he licked the saucepan clean. K was a bit low key and snuggly but we thought that was due to the wakeful night. Both boys were put to bed early. I amused myself by mopping the floor, wiping down the couches and sweeping under them. Absolutely wasted effort when one thinks about the following events. Sigh. At 6ish K erupted. Spectacular fountains sprayed over the freshly mopped floor, the child, Chris... but luckily not the exersaucer or Cameron. Chris bundled the sad wee boy up into the shower while I had the delightful job of picking up vomit covered clothes, washing them, and mopping the floor. We got him settled again and I reclaimed Cameron, who was producing his own fountains.. from the other end!! And then, K moaned gently sometime later and vomited all over the pillow he was resting on, his clothes and the couch that had been wiped down that afternoon.... this time I headed up to the shower with him, while Chris cleaned the furniture. Back downstairs we watched Happy Feet together, until C fell asleep. Now both boys are tucked into their beds, alseep and vomit free. Long may it last. My plans for Playcentre tomorrow are scotched - I couldn't do this to other kids! Happily I, while still feeling fairly seedy, am getting better!
Oh poor you . One doens't know which is worse .. to have two kids sick at the same time and get ir over with or drag it out one by one. Especially nasty when you yourself are sick! Hope you are all better soon.