On friday I headed off to playcentre for the morning. K painted up a storm and we emerged at 12:30 content, happy, and ready for a nap. We all napped and at 3, when the boys awoke, we braved school traffic to head into Henderson to pick up Plunket posters, Alex's birthday present and look for small glass bottles for rhubarb vinegar. K was exceptionally well behaved and had a ride on Buzzy Bee outside the toy shop. We found an inflatable Ben10 beachball and a Ben10 watch. I also found some sticky wall decorations going cheap so got some for Kieran. I got some pirate ones for his birthday and a space theme for after the party. Well, Saturday dawned cool and grey and Cameron was 6 months old. It would have been nice to celebrate with an uninterrupted night of sleep but one can't have everything :) After racing around like a maniac looking for my wallet I left the house for K's dance class at 9:56. The class started at 10. I screeched into the carpark at 9:59, parked precipitously and hauled K across the carpark, and into the studio. TYPICALLY, K chose a day where I had no money and camera with me to truly dance his heart out. We dashed home and collected up Cameron (still snoozing in his cot) and Chris and headed off to Alex's 4th birthday. There was lots of toddlerish enjoyment, and K cavorted naked with Alex on the lawn, nimbly avoiding the water from the waterslide..... If I could have photographed those 2, buck naked, swinging together...... they looked so funny :) But alas! It was not to be. Cameron snacked ferociously upon watermelon and strawberry and pineapple... K ate nothing. He did however blow out Alex's candles as Alex was waiting for his happy birthday song to end. Face:palm. Chris has plans to do all sorts of exciting cooking this this weekend. YAY!
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