Last night was disturbed by the wails of one of the members of Chez Seal. This time Chris manned up and went in to deal with the situation. K wound up asleep in the cot. Works for us :) Then this morning went like gangbusters. I abandoned K to his father's gentle care while I did a last minute check to see if I had all the ingredients I needed for today. K was whisked through the shower, dressed and then all three of us dashed into Glendene to Cake Couture. The reason Chris was driving me - and going into work late - was because it would take me TWO buses and 45 minutes EACH way to get there via bus. Amazing, just amazing. Anyway we got the cake tin and K and I were briskly decanted at the house. I entered and thus began a whirlwind of baking the likes of which K had never seen! I made chocolate cake for for the birthday cake itself, lemon muffins and snickerdoodles. I washed dishes, I did laundry and I fed my child - who was positively angelic through all the activity. 2.5 hours later I gazed at the clean kitchen, nuked some milk and watched as my child dashed up the stairs for his nap. This only happens when he is desperately tired, and longing for the milk. Once he was asleep I scampered downstairs and tidied toys, swept and then mopped the floor. I snatched a quick lunch and had a nap. Once K woke me up we cavorted outside in the sunshine as I scrubbed the paddling pool and arranged all the goodies that needed to go to the venue tomorrow. Then I prepared dinner. Chris arrived home and announced that we needed to go to Henderson to buy presents. An hour later we emerged with a VERY tired little boy... and no presents...sigh. Once home we washed Squeak and made up the futon in K's room. Yes, we are spending tonight and tomorrow in there and Sue and Kingsley are in our room. Once K was snoring happily away I dragged out the monkey cake and proceeded to decorate it. Well pleased by my efforts, which had produced what looked like King Kong off his head on crack cocaine I proceeded upstairs to write this blog entry and then head off to bed! Good Night!
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