One day Bandit might forgive us. He has just about forgiven us for the 9 days away tho still haunts the house howling like a Bansidhe. Little does he know that in 2 weeks or so I flee the domicile with K, and head off to my contact course for a week. After he gets over the shock of that betrayal a few months later I will be in hospital. What a good thing we don't keep Bandit apprised of our planned activities!! I can't believe that today is the last day of Chris's holiday. On Saturday we headed out to Spotlight and I hunted out some fabric for K's window. I was torn between some blue fabric with fish and seahorses and some pale green checked fabric with Winnie the Pooh and friends... We eventually got the green as it was $5 a metre and was proper sunout fabric. After we headed home, in the scorching sun, Chris put up the pool under the eagle eye of Kieran. He was a stern taskmaster, pacing about the perimeter, waggling the poles to check for sturdiness and sitting on the pool base while it was clipped together. Once installed all we saw was the flash of a bare botton as K leaped into the pool clutching an inflatable dinosaur.... Some hours later we retrieved him. Lets just say the pool was a success! We had a lovely day yesterday too. Taking full advantage of the beautiful weather we took K to Parrs Park playground in the morning and watched him race about, cavort on the playground structures and have a lovely time. After we headed home for a run about the playground and a harrassment of the cat it was naptime. Aaaah sweet naptime! I worked on my assignments and Chris played on his pc. After we dealt the boy lunch we headed out to Craig Avon park. Again there was squealing, and running, and leaping, and eating of icecream, and more running. After nigh on an hour in the blazing sun we ended the trip with a shady nature walk through the park, with K first nestled in Chris's arms, then mine. And then.... the night turned to custard. K had three crying fits for no reason that we could determine. At 11pm we cut our losses and decided that if we were going to deal with continuous crying jags with associated cuddles he could go in the cot. He was a lot easier to access that way!! Naturally this morning he was relaxed, happy and a bit tired, but Chris and I were shambling about like zombies. I was ecstatic that it was my morning for the sleep-in but Chris seemed quite bitter as he dragged K out the bedroom at 7am this morning. Of course, it was pouring with rain today so we can't take K out to a park to run the sass out of him either.... sigh. He is asleep right now so I am typing this entry, then finishing off my assignment.
Tomorrow is exciting. Not only is it Chris's first day back at work - a day he has been eagerly anticipating - but at 8:30am we find out the sex of seal pup junior. Gosh, I can hardly wait to see if we are having a Tristan or Michaela join us at the end of May!
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