Well, we packed for Wellington. It was pretty hard trying to fit everything into our 2 bag allotment but we got there!! After looking at airport shuttles, airport parking rates and taxi's we decided to do some park and ride thing. Chris checked out the location on the map and we headed off - on time, even! - on the 22nd. We hit a small snag when Chris drove to the place he thought was the park n ride but which was not in fact the park and ride we had booked into. He raced back to the airport, dropped me and K and all the baggage off and raced off to find parking that didn't cost $130. We weren't sure if he would make it back by 8am when we needed to go through the gates... but he made it with a minute or 2 to spare. K quite enjoyed the flight until he noticed how far away the ground was getting and there was a wee bit of a panic. But he settled down afterwards. We didn't see much of Wellington while we were there as we pretty much headed off to Sue and Kingsley's. While we were there K played on the beach and in the local playground. He had a ball. I had my hair cut and coloured hehe. It is now wildly frizzy and I need to find product that tames it a bit :) Christmas was really good though absolute chaos with 3 babies racing about haha. It was also a lovely day which made a change from the Boxing day rain. Yup, weather packed in after Xmas... sigh. We took K to the local Lollipops on Dec 28th which is when we discovered that he is now scared of travelling in cars. He shrieked the entire trip, which, mercifully, was only 15 minutes long. He had a great time running around Lollipops though - little wee beastie. He slept really well while we were away but ate next to nothing :( Sigh. He did fall madly in love with three little squeezy bees and would hunt them down crying "Buzza buzza buzza!" On Sue's birthday we had a the mighty Turducken! I like duck, don't mind chicken and really don't like turkey so this was a winner for me :) Chris puddled around making a sourdough for his parents, which was stored in their treasured plastic rice cooker (much to one parent's dismay haha) and then making breads from the starter. We enjoyed a plethora of focaccia's, sourdough's and beerbreads - light and dark variety :). We got on the plane at 8:30pm on the 30th with a very tired little boy. K had woken up early from his nap and had not slept in the car, or on the plane. We got in, prepped milk and had him in bed by 10:50pm, and he was asleep by 11pm. I was not far behind him!! Of course, he arose at his usual time of 6am which meant that yesterday was a bit of a write off for us. New Years Eve was very exciting for us.... as we were so tired we were all in bed by 10pm!! Hangs head in shame! Yesterday was a bit better, for Chris anyway, as it was Chris's turn to sleep in. I also went shopping for some clothes. Man, I hate clothes shopping or at least the bit where you try on clothes look in the mirror, sigh, remove clothes, and try something different. I wound up with three things and I am not sure about 1 of them! I did however find K some new summer pj's on special which was good.
Last night was K's first night in the toddler bed. It took a mere 2.5 hours to get him to sleep - mainly due to how light the room is I think. We will pick up some dark fabric today. However, despite us expecting the patter of little feet in the night he stayed snugly asleep until 7am!!! Go Kieran!!!!
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