Yup, Chris is such a manly man that the thought of a daughter never even crossed his mind! It looks like we will be joined by young Tristan ?? Seal at the end of May - very exciting! This is wonderful news as it means we can reuse all of K's clothes - though we will pick up a few new bits here and there as Tristan will be a winter, rather than a summer, baby! And those manly father and son camping trips, where mum relaxes at home... gosh, would 9 months be too soon for Mr T to go along with his father and brother while his mother relaxes at home? We see the midwife tomorrow. Hopefully the MSS2 (that I FINALLY took in Wellington... for FREE!!) test has come back negative for defects.
Today we had the scan and then headed home. I tossed K into the stroller and headed off to the library for fresh books for the Squeaker while Chris hopped into the car and leisurely drove off to work. K had a great time at the library and we stayed there until nearly 11am! Stories, snacks and more cavorting ensued and K only popped off to sleep at 12:50.... sigh. I might even think about taking him to the Glendale road playground this afternoon -we'll see!
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