Sunday, 24 January 2010
Drama Queen
God, what a frantic week. There was pandemonium at Chez Seal as I prepared for my contact course. I then had to leave a small anxious face and head through the gates to my plane. The contact course was an education. I certainly moved outside my comfort zone!! Even today I am limping about the house with agonisingly painful legs from my incredibly athletic re-enactment of The Bacchae. The contact course was full on!! We were gifted with Hymie as our director - his background as a dancer made sessions with him ....physical - and painful. I leaped! I sprang! I sprinted. And had my baby squeezed by a man who panicked when he realised what he had done :) But the days were long, and they got longer! In the last three days we have been starting earlier and earlier and leaving later and later. Yesterday we were at Massey for an 8am start and left there around 10:30pm. Then I had the pleasure of learning pages of lines until 11:40pm when I collapsed in bed for our 8am start this am. I am knackered! Also, I am so stiff after three days of "Drama boot camp" that I can barely walk. Let's just say K aint going for a walk up that hill tomorrow. Chris reported that K was prone to tantrums and bad behaviour but I found no trace of this in my angel baby on my return. Indeed he showed off all his new toys and played happily in the house before eating a lovely dinner. I brought order to the chaos of what HAD been a lovely tidy house, ate the lovely dinner Chris had cooked, did the dishes, sorted the beds and K's room and began typing this blog entry :)... and now for bed!!
Monday, 18 January 2010
A new week
Today was a really great day. After my venting session yesterday I felt really upbeat and am looking forward to the next couple of weeks. I started my packing for the contact course, got 2 loads of washing done and hung out on the line and managed to take K up to the library for a cavort - and all before11am hahaha. I have had more productive days but I am still feeling a bit teary and tired. The sciatic pain isn't as bad today - awesome - but the exhaustion is... Aah exhaustion, my old friend. Sometimes being pregnant sucks. I looked at the birthday vid last night and nearly cried to see what a heifer I look like. K spent his post nap cuddle bouncing on our bed and attacking me to blow raspberries on my tummy. Sadly, he has now decided that blowing them on my chest is much more fun. I am not sure what is more socially embarrassing - a child that tugs up your shirt to blow raspberries on your belly, or one who hauls down your top. I was planning on taking K up to the library, and to the park for a run and all sorts of things but then my day went belly toe is still throbbing but at least it isn't broken! And for this I am truly grateful!
Sunday, 17 January 2010
It's my birthday and I'll cry if I want to
I am stressed, tired, and grumpy - and this blog entry reflects all of that, so be warned :P
Looking back, the last 2 weeks have been stressful! I had to finish off my assignments, plan and budget for K's birthday party, change the flights for K and I to Wellington - and pay for the privilege, book new flights for me for the contact course (sooo expensive!) as well as actually looking after K on a daily basis, cope with constant sciatic pain, have late nights cos I am up chatting - naughty me - and actually do all the last minute bits and pieces for the party. Phew! The heat hasn't helped either. I need every minute of sleep I can get and head off to bed by 9:30pm these days - if not earlier. Chris tosses and turns in the warm nights which disrupts my sleep, and of course K has been having a few disturbed nights recently too.... alas!
So as a result I am feeling very tired. When I am tired I get grumpy. When things I plan don't turn out perfectly (Yes, it DOES happen, haha) I get cross and stressed. I was saddened that the birthday cake I had planned didn't turn out as I imagined it would - but lesson learned :) You always want people to say "Wow, what a great cake," rather than "oh, it doesn't look as bad as you made it sound!"Next year's theme is a castle and the engineer will be building that little cakey edifice! I guess when I want things to be perfect I don't cope as well when they're not... especially when I am tired and stressed.
I am also a little concerned that I am not prepared for my contact course - in 2 days time!, and also need to sort the accommodation for it. And I am not looking forward to being away from K for so long either.
Right, time to end the pity party!! It makes a difference being able to think/type through my feelings - kind of destresses everything and sets me back on an even keel. I knew a blog would come in useful!
K has had a ball! He has begun opening his presents - woohoo! He loved his party, adored having his grandparents and aunts around and just thought that the weekend rocked the world! Admittedly he wasn't keen on being left with a babysitter - but, bonus, he put himself to bed last night for Kym. And Kym and my friends were just lovely. Offers of help, babysitting and just being there for K's birthday meant a lot to me. And my birthday cake made by Colin - just fantastic, I am very lucky indeed! In fact, everyone really put the effort in to make it a great day - which I really did appreciate.
So, the weather is cooler today. Excellent. I plan to have a bath after K goes to sleep, then hit bed early. Tomorrow is another day of baby wrangling, motel bookings and packing for Palmy North. And I will be back to my usually unfussed, not-too-bitchy self :)
Friday, 15 January 2010
Those hot summer nights...
It is so sticky here at the moment. I would be surprised if the temp was below 20 degrees right now it is so hot! Of course, the fact that I have been racing through the day like a racehorse may explain my unusual case of overheating haha.
Last night was disturbed by the wails of one of the members of Chez Seal. This time Chris manned up and went in to deal with the situation. K wound up asleep in the cot. Works for us :) Then this morning went like gangbusters. I abandoned K to his father's gentle care while I did a last minute check to see if I had all the ingredients I needed for today. K was whisked through the shower, dressed and then all three of us dashed into Glendene to Cake Couture. The reason Chris was driving me - and going into work late - was because it would take me TWO buses and 45 minutes EACH way to get there via bus. Amazing, just amazing. Anyway we got the cake tin and K and I were briskly decanted at the house. I entered and thus began a whirlwind of baking the likes of which K had never seen! I made chocolate cake for for the birthday cake itself, lemon muffins and snickerdoodles. I washed dishes, I did laundry and I fed my child - who was positively angelic through all the activity. 2.5 hours later I gazed at the clean kitchen, nuked some milk and watched as my child dashed up the stairs for his nap. This only happens when he is desperately tired, and longing for the milk. Once he was asleep I scampered downstairs and tidied toys, swept and then mopped the floor. I snatched a quick lunch and had a nap. Once K woke me up we cavorted outside in the sunshine as I scrubbed the paddling pool and arranged all the goodies that needed to go to the venue tomorrow. Then I prepared dinner. Chris arrived home and announced that we needed to go to Henderson to buy presents. An hour later we emerged with a VERY tired little boy... and no presents...sigh. Once home we washed Squeak and made up the futon in K's room. Yes, we are spending tonight and tomorrow in there and Sue and Kingsley are in our room. Once K was snoring happily away I dragged out the monkey cake and proceeded to decorate it. Well pleased by my efforts, which had produced what looked like King Kong off his head on crack cocaine I proceeded upstairs to write this blog entry and then head off to bed! Good Night!
Thursday, 14 January 2010
Twas the night of no sleep...
Twas the night of no sleep
and all through the house
one little creature was stirring
a bit bigger than a mouse
His milk was not there
and life was awry
so to mama and papa
he came for a cry
Poor mama was weary
and papa faked sleep
Of waking she was understandable leery
and wondered why no birds did peep
Lo it was but 2 in the morn
and off he was hustled
alone and forlorn
while mama sat with him, slightly ruffled
The moments ticked by
the milk it was drunk
papa dropped off a bottle
and off mama slunk
A nightmare then struck
at 4 of the clock
papa wailed, rather gruff,
and mama did make mock
And off to the room
she went with a scurry
and there like a mushroom
to sleep did she hurry
Yup, sleep was in poor supply last night :) and I and the cat wound up asleep on the futon under a dressing gown while Chris had the entire king size bed to himself!!!
Monday, 11 January 2010
2 years young today
I really really can't believe that K is 2 today. The day started really well with torrential rain falling upon the domicile. This turned out to be a blessing in disguise as K slept in to nearly 7am. He came hurrying into the bedroom at 6:50 - a full 20 minutes later than normal... hey, those minutes are like GOLD! I served him a delicious breakfast of banana and strawberry muffins and peanut butter toast - which he largely ignored. He opened up his presents from us, mum and Marjorie and Ken, and looked at his cards. He had some lovely cards too! Unfortunately his colouring book was left outside and is saturated - boo. I shall have to pick up another from the 2 dollar shop tomorrow. The morning was enlivened by stories, bubbles, dvd's, stories, bubbles and general cavorting. K is big on cavorting. K has a little trick where he fetches the bottle of bubbles off the bookshelf and brings it to you so that you can blow bubbles for his pleasure. He leaps and springs up at the bubbles, and is happy for you to blow bubbles for hours. We gave him an easel for his birthday. He will get to try it out tomorrow - with his washable crayons - oy vey. He may wind up naked but for a nappy too! Tomorrow morning I have to take K to see Plunket - it will be such fun to walk up the hill with my damaged foot! Yes people, last night I fell victim to Kieran's pirate ship (it was dark!!) and tore half a toenail, and it tore halfway down the nailbed. So I have been hobbling around with my bloodied wound. Jen came to visit today and I begged her to bring over so milk as we were completely out. I couldn't face the thought of hobbling up the hill with my agonisingly painful foot in the morning to collect milk and then again in the afternoon to buy fish for dinner. Happily Chris picked up the fish for dinner so I did not have to leave the house. Good times :P
Sunday, 10 January 2010
Sweet summer sun!
Gosh, it has been busy busy busy around here. The weather has been beautiful so we have been taking advantage of it!! Lots of trips to the playground, and runnings for the little man. Boy, is he fast!!! A lot faster than me anyway haha.
On saturday we headed out to Henderson mall and I bought a top and browsed Whitcoulls and we drove around cake shops to see if they had a fish tin for Kieran's birthday party on the 16th. I have found a tin I like - but it's not a fish :) Whoops, change of plans. I will look up bus timetables and see about collecting the cake tin on Friday. I am sure that K will love the trip haha!! We are having the party at the Oratia Playgroup, which is nice and enclosed - and safe for the kidlets hehe.
We went out to Bethells Beach this morning and K had a ball. He ran, he leaped, he dug, he frolicked and had such a wonderful time. We met up with Bryany and Helen and Rabbit the dog. The culmination of the trip was Kieran getting to pat a horse's nose. He was over the moon. Afterwards we went to Bryony and Helens for tea and bread. We drove home and swung by the strawberry icecream place. It was very yummy!! It was a very action packed day though, and Kieran only went to sleep at 2pm! He got given some TaDoodles for Xmas and has been drawing like a maniac. Today I walked out and saw Kieran busily drawing on the glass French doors - aaiiieeee. Luckily they wash off the tiles (so many tiles!!), and doors, and legs, and clothes!!!
I can't believe that Kieran turns 2 tomorrow!!
And on that note I will head off to bed as it is almost 11pm!
Monday, 4 January 2010
Heir and a spare
Yup, Chris is such a manly man that the thought of a daughter never even crossed his mind! It looks like we will be joined by young Tristan ?? Seal at the end of May - very exciting! This is wonderful news as it means we can reuse all of K's clothes - though we will pick up a few new bits here and there as Tristan will be a winter, rather than a summer, baby! And those manly father and son camping trips, where mum relaxes at home... gosh, would 9 months be too soon for Mr T to go along with his father and brother while his mother relaxes at home? We see the midwife tomorrow. Hopefully the MSS2 (that I FINALLY took in Wellington... for FREE!!) test has come back negative for defects.
Today we had the scan and then headed home. I tossed K into the stroller and headed off to the library for fresh books for the Squeaker while Chris hopped into the car and leisurely drove off to work. K had a great time at the library and we stayed there until nearly 11am! Stories, snacks and more cavorting ensued and K only popped off to sleep at 12:50.... sigh. I might even think about taking him to the Glendale road playground this afternoon -we'll see!
Sunday, 3 January 2010
Seasonal shenanigan's
One day Bandit might forgive us. He has just about forgiven us for the 9 days away tho still haunts the house howling like a Bansidhe. Little does he know that in 2 weeks or so I flee the domicile with K, and head off to my contact course for a week. After he gets over the shock of that betrayal a few months later I will be in hospital. What a good thing we don't keep Bandit apprised of our planned activities!! I can't believe that today is the last day of Chris's holiday. On Saturday we headed out to Spotlight and I hunted out some fabric for K's window. I was torn between some blue fabric with fish and seahorses and some pale green checked fabric with Winnie the Pooh and friends... We eventually got the green as it was $5 a metre and was proper sunout fabric. After we headed home, in the scorching sun, Chris put up the pool under the eagle eye of Kieran. He was a stern taskmaster, pacing about the perimeter, waggling the poles to check for sturdiness and sitting on the pool base while it was clipped together. Once installed all we saw was the flash of a bare botton as K leaped into the pool clutching an inflatable dinosaur.... Some hours later we retrieved him. Lets just say the pool was a success! We had a lovely day yesterday too. Taking full advantage of the beautiful weather we took K to Parrs Park playground in the morning and watched him race about, cavort on the playground structures and have a lovely time. After we headed home for a run about the playground and a harrassment of the cat it was naptime. Aaaah sweet naptime! I worked on my assignments and Chris played on his pc. After we dealt the boy lunch we headed out to Craig Avon park. Again there was squealing, and running, and leaping, and eating of icecream, and more running. After nigh on an hour in the blazing sun we ended the trip with a shady nature walk through the park, with K first nestled in Chris's arms, then mine. And then.... the night turned to custard. K had three crying fits for no reason that we could determine. At 11pm we cut our losses and decided that if we were going to deal with continuous crying jags with associated cuddles he could go in the cot. He was a lot easier to access that way!! Naturally this morning he was relaxed, happy and a bit tired, but Chris and I were shambling about like zombies. I was ecstatic that it was my morning for the sleep-in but Chris seemed quite bitter as he dragged K out the bedroom at 7am this morning. Of course, it was pouring with rain today so we can't take K out to a park to run the sass out of him either.... sigh. He is asleep right now so I am typing this entry, then finishing off my assignment.
Tomorrow is exciting. Not only is it Chris's first day back at work - a day he has been eagerly anticipating - but at 8:30am we find out the sex of seal pup junior. Gosh, I can hardly wait to see if we are having a Tristan or Michaela join us at the end of May!
Friday, 1 January 2010
Seasonal Happenings
Gosh, let's see what we got up to over the last 10 days or so....
Well, we packed for Wellington. It was pretty hard trying to fit everything into our 2 bag allotment but we got there!! After looking at airport shuttles, airport parking rates and taxi's we decided to do some park and ride thing. Chris checked out the location on the map and we headed off - on time, even! - on the 22nd. We hit a small snag when Chris drove to the place he thought was the park n ride but which was not in fact the park and ride we had booked into. He raced back to the airport, dropped me and K and all the baggage off and raced off to find parking that didn't cost $130. We weren't sure if he would make it back by 8am when we needed to go through the gates... but he made it with a minute or 2 to spare. K quite enjoyed the flight until he noticed how far away the ground was getting and there was a wee bit of a panic. But he settled down afterwards. We didn't see much of Wellington while we were there as we pretty much headed off to Sue and Kingsley's. While we were there K played on the beach and in the local playground. He had a ball. I had my hair cut and coloured hehe. It is now wildly frizzy and I need to find product that tames it a bit :) Christmas was really good though absolute chaos with 3 babies racing about haha. It was also a lovely day which made a change from the Boxing day rain. Yup, weather packed in after Xmas... sigh. We took K to the local Lollipops on Dec 28th which is when we discovered that he is now scared of travelling in cars. He shrieked the entire trip, which, mercifully, was only 15 minutes long. He had a great time running around Lollipops though - little wee beastie. He slept really well while we were away but ate next to nothing :( Sigh. He did fall madly in love with three little squeezy bees and would hunt them down crying "Buzza buzza buzza!" On Sue's birthday we had a the mighty Turducken! I like duck, don't mind chicken and really don't like turkey so this was a winner for me :) Chris puddled around making a sourdough for his parents, which was stored in their treasured plastic rice cooker (much to one parent's dismay haha) and then making breads from the starter. We enjoyed a plethora of focaccia's, sourdough's and beerbreads - light and dark variety :). We got on the plane at 8:30pm on the 30th with a very tired little boy. K had woken up early from his nap and had not slept in the car, or on the plane. We got in, prepped milk and had him in bed by 10:50pm, and he was asleep by 11pm. I was not far behind him!! Of course, he arose at his usual time of 6am which meant that yesterday was a bit of a write off for us. New Years Eve was very exciting for us.... as we were so tired we were all in bed by 10pm!! Hangs head in shame! Yesterday was a bit better, for Chris anyway, as it was Chris's turn to sleep in. I also went shopping for some clothes. Man, I hate clothes shopping or at least the bit where you try on clothes look in the mirror, sigh, remove clothes, and try something different. I wound up with three things and I am not sure about 1 of them! I did however find K some new summer pj's on special which was good.
Last night was K's first night in the toddler bed. It took a mere 2.5 hours to get him to sleep - mainly due to how light the room is I think. We will pick up some dark fabric today. However, despite us expecting the patter of little feet in the night he stayed snugly asleep until 7am!!! Go Kieran!!!!
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