On Thursday K and I headed off to the Oratia Christmas Party. It was a wee hike up the hill carrying the young heffalump and the day was sunny with not a cloud in the sky. K enjoyed himself in the blazing sun while I sweated. My condition was not helped by the fact the K raced about like a demented bumble bee and that a gap in the hedge for the tractor ride meant that kids could get through the adjacent orchard and onto the road. Towards the end of the session K was minding his own business in the sandpit when a girl his age came up with a bucket of sand which she threw repeatedly in his face, slapping his face between tosses. K was about to bite her when I fought my way free of the crowds and rescued him. And them some silly tart smirks at her hellish offspring and lilts "kids will be kids" before turning her back on her daughter again. Grrrrrr!! K was thrilled by his present from "Santa" though - a ball!!! He shrieked with delight when he saw it hahaha. That night Suzie collected me for the Plunket meeting - it was soo late when I gotr home - almost 11pm!! I was knackered. And none of the prep work for our Yule Supper had been done - aaaieee. On Friday I started making shortbread only to realise we don't have cornflour. This meant hiking up that damn hill in the sun and then going to the library for the Wriggle and Rhyme session so K could have a nice day too. We headed home and my son turned into a little demon! He galloped around the kitchen twisting the oven dials and smacking his hand against the door. I was relieved when he finally fell asleep - at 1pm!!! I had been trying to get him down for an early nap - nuh uh!! While K slept (and slept and slept) I tidied the garage, unloaded books from boxes, placed boxes inthe garage, rebox the books, stashed extraneous bits and pieces in the garage, baked appley tarts, swept and mopped the floor, sorted the washing and put in away, and vaccuumed. I had managed to do all this by the time K woke up - at 4:15!!! We had a lovely time, with K and Alex running around like maniac. The fondue (my first!) turned out well, Bryony's sourdough was great, and Colin's ducken was fantastic!! On Saturday I babywrangled and generally tried to work on my assignment. On Saturday night K has come down with a cold and woke every hour and a half to shriek and moan. My sleep-in on Sunday was not successful as I had a succession of visits from a certain short person. Sigh. Again, assignment work was tried but as K turns into whimpering limpet boy when ill I was not really successful. I did almost finish Hunter's xmas present though - bonus! At 8 last night I remembered that we had a house inspection this morning. Chris moaned in horror like a sick cow when I told him haha. Today has gone somewhat better. Torrential rain greeted me this morning but by the time we headed out at 10am it was merely cloudy. I had raced around like a crazy thing tidying and vacuuming and was well over the cleaning lark teehee. We had a good time choosing books at the library and returned to find that the real estate agent had been and gone.
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