Yesterday K woke up from a sound sleep screaming and arching his back. He writhed about on the floor drumming his heels and flailing his arms. He was in so much pain he wouldn't let me touch him. I called the Dr's and got us an appointment then did my back in getting him off the floor and into the stroller. By the time we went up the hill in the afternoon heat and got to the Dr's he was perfectly fine - the very picture of toddler health. I however was leaning on the stroller and gritting my teeth against the lower back pain! Unfair, unfair! I baked an apple pie to go with our stew last night. Best pastry ever!! This morning Chris hared off to work early as the team are heading off for an xmas function. He called and asked me to meet him halfway to the train station as he had forgotten his secret santa... I had to fling off my dressing gown and throw on yesterdays clothes before painfully heaving K into the stroller. Why no, I dont get dressed before K has breakfast - why do you ask? ;) Then I raced off up the hill where I met Chris on West Coast Road and passed over the pressie. I then staggered back home, gave K breakfast, washed the dishes and thought wistfully about having a nanny. Working full time with a hell boss and 8 mo's pregnant wasn't as hard as this!! Then at 9:45 I levered K into the stroller again and headed up for the library for the xmas storytime - last one of the year. K enjoyed himself, shaking both his booty and the many castanets he filched out of the instrument basket with gay abandon. Why yes, I DO plan on buying him some castanets hehe.
Having spent many hours on research (when I should have been writing assignment essays) I have decided that we need a Graco Duo stadium stroller. It looks like it will be perfect for K and the new kidlet. Only snag is it is American and thus we will need to buy from a store over there and get it shipped. I got all excited when I saw they were on Amazon.com - but they don't ship to NZ. Typical! Anyway, we will save our dollars towards the exciting purchase - we have until May after all. I must also acquire a backpack nappybag as the one I had last time was an over the shoulder one and completely useless - and will be even more so with a toddler in tow.
We bought K his xmas present yesterday, and I am debating whether to get him a pair of crocs as well or for his birthday. Despite frantic searching we are unable to find the charger for our Sony video camera so won't be able to video xmas. I am so annoyed.
Apart from that I am going to kick back and relax for the rest of the day. Tomorrow may have a trip into Henderson to gaze at Crocs and the like... Mmm Crocs, I love them. Maybe I will ask Chris for another pair for my birthday pressie :)
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