Life here at Chez Seal continues, with its usual healthy doses of irreverence and snark. It's amazing the things that I in particular get amusement from haha. Alas, one of the things I find no amusement in whatsoever are the texts for my assignments. In fact, I wish the writers for all of them had discovered Prozac and gone into free love and drugs before ever setting pen to paper. Can you tell how the assignment is going? And how very much I am looking forward to my contact course in January? Yup, that much. Looked at the calender yesterday and almost screamed when I realised that we head off to Wellington for the xmas break in ONE WEEK! One week!!! And, slack wench that I am, I have not purchased K any xmas pressies yet. I am mulling over a Wiggles dvd but think that I might purchase some Bazoople fabric and a single white duvet and pillowcase and make him a very special duvet set. He adores animals so this will be a treasured item for him. I also plan to buy the fabric for a cloth Bazoople book (for the new baby) - and persuade someone else to make it up... Yes, I am dreaming... it will be me that makes it haha :) K is glorying in his little cold, which resulted in sleepless nights, nasty nappies and lots of hugs. He has been taught to lean forward and give his parents a kiss (after a mere 16 months of instruction hahaha). Sadly, he has infected me with his nasty germs so I do not feel 100%. Naturally as Xmas has approached our truck has given up the ghost and died on us. The auto electrician who replaced a part massively cocked up and part of the battery terminals is corroded to hell. Now the car wont start - handy, very handy. Nevermind! A call to a certain brother-in-law who happens to be an auto-electrician will be made for advice (and costs!!) I walked with K to the library this morning and watched in horror as the skies darkened and the rain poured down, and down,and down. I seized the next clear patch and fled, grateful that I had purchased the vegetables I needed for a yummy stew for tomorrow's dinner. K attempted to fall asleep on the way home and was severely chided. He was so lively when we got home that it took me nearly an hour to get him down for his afternoon nap - aaaiiieeee!! It is rubbish day tomorrow and it could not come fast enough for me. The garage reeks like a, well, lets just say I nearly lost my breakfast. I have advised Chris that a rubbish bin will be located and placed at the front of the property. The inside door to the garage has to stay open so Bandit can use the catdoor- and I cannae take the smell, Captain!! I am trying to book our "sexing" scan for the week beginning Jan 3rd but they haven't "got the sheets up " for Jan yet so I keep calling back... and back.. and back. As soon as I know the sex, you'll know it too. Yup, I want to know the flavour so we can sort names, once and for all!
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