The weather today was AWESOME!! Bright blue sky, with lots of sun! I was going to take K up to the playground by the library but instead we had Rachel around. It was really good catching up :) K turned into a wittering waif at 11am but despite me popping him into bed at 11:15 he wouldn't go to sleep. TWO HOURS LATER I gave up and sleepsacked him, before throwing him into the cot. He was asleep at 1:35 and woke at 3:45. Sigh, so it was another late night for us all. Tomorrow I said to Rache that I would meet her at the playground by the library to return her camera to her, and will also procure some salady things for Chris - as we are completely out. But I have just remembered that I will actually be at the Oratia Playgroup Xmas party at 9:30am. Man, I am such an idiot!! Once we have returned from the festivities I will send K into the arms of Morpheous. While K naps I will frantically seethe apples in spices, clean the house, mop the floor and work on my assignments... all the while wishing I was enjoying a nap myself! On Thursday night I am heading out to the Plunket meeting. On Friday we host the Yule Supper, at which I will be serving Fondue, a Gingerbrede Subtlety and appley tarts. Alas, the house must be clean for this event which means me working like a slave!! I hates working like a slave sniff sniff. Then on the weekend I must do assignment work!! Oh the joy of the most dreary plays in existence!!
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