Wednesday, 30 December 2009

Dashing through the air, presents in our wake...

Yup, we're back, we're shattered and life is good!! A proper blog entry and pics will come up soon... as we only got K into bed at 11pm last night - and he did not sleep on the plane we are all a little.... tired... today. However K rocked hard on the beachgot lots of presents, I got lots of pics of K and the weather wasn't too bad :)

Sunday, 20 December 2009

Wellington is nigh!

God, what happened to the weekend being a relaxing and restful time... I am knackered!! I did my minuting lark yesterday and did some work on assignment - mainly research I have to admit. I was too tired to bother typing the minutes last night so instead I did them today. While K wittered. And pranced around my feet begging for attention, much like a puppy. Poor Alex has chickenpox so we are a wee bit concerned that K might come down with it today/tomorrow. Oh well..... In more exciting news we visited friends and family this weekend, deflead a mightily protesting cat who had to be appeased with tuna, returned library books of K's that were overdue, did xmas prep but didn't manage to pack for Wellington.. that joy is all mine tomorrow.
Poor K staggered into the pc room this arvo clutching Bunny and Teddy - absolutely saturated. His nappy wasn't tight enough on one side and it looked like K had voided nigh on a liter of fluid!! I threw him into the shower while Chris stripped the bed, and hauled the mattress and pillow out into the sun - everything was saturated :) Guess I have got some washing to do tomorrow morning!While at Paula and Shelley's K discovered the joys of Kozmees - the giggling from the toy and the giggling from K rose to a mighty crescendo.... I don't doubt that S&P were greatly relieved to see the back of us, as peace fell upon their home again. I have discovered that these little beasts can be procured from Dick Smith's for $23. We may get him one for his birthday haha :)
Tomorrow I am staying in and the fedex parcel is due to arrive at some time during the day. I called them and they said they expect it to be delivered before noon - all good!! And then, on Tuesday morning we leap onto an aeroplane and head off to Wellington. Good times. It will be the first time we see Sue and Kingsley's new house and my first trip to Wellington.... I know!! Unbelievable really haha ;)

Friday, 18 December 2009

See the little puffer trains...

Yawn. I am exhausted!!
I dragged K off to Henderson with me today. We sauntered through Glen Eden then had to sprint for the train - running and pushing a stroller is no fun haha. We headed straight to Toyworld where a variety of musical instruments (yup, we're at the Grandparent's for xmas, how did you guess haha) and various toys were purchased. K had a ball playing with helicopters and cars and wasn't that keen on heading off. I went to Baby Factory next to get a replacement teat for the sipper cup. Old snaggletooth likes to gnaw on them head:desk! K protested vigourously when I tried to remove him from the playpen so he got to hang there for a few more minutes while I browsed. Then we dashed off into the mall itself. I had no joy getting the book I was after - aaaiiee, so we headed off to the Warehouse to get K some socks and shoes. On the way we waved at Santa and strolled through the balloon cave they have set up next to Whitcoulls. I regret not having my camera with me and may have to go there again cos K was ravished by it. We sprinted to catch the 11:04 train and then I had to prevent K from running around on the platform while the train did not come, it would up being 8 minutes late. Once back in Glen Eden we headed to the library to catch the last session of Wriggle and Rhyme after which K furiously rode the rocking horse. He is very fond of rocking horses now hehe. Got home and there was a card by Fedex. They arrived 10 minutes after I left this morning - typical :(. If we had a working car I would send Chris off to their depot to collect it - but we don't. They say they will be back on the 21st so I shall not go out between 8am and 4 that day. Yawn, K will wake any second. Luckily I have wrapped all the presents and booked the sexing scan for the baby. Yup, we find out the flavour on Jan 5th. Teehee.

Thursday, 17 December 2009

Up hills...and up hills!!

Oy vey what a day!
Yesterday K woke up from a sound sleep screaming and arching his back. He writhed about on the floor drumming his heels and flailing his arms. He was in so much pain he wouldn't let me touch him. I called the Dr's and got us an appointment then did my back in getting him off the floor and into the stroller. By the time we went up the hill in the afternoon heat and got to the Dr's he was perfectly fine - the very picture of toddler health. I however was leaning on the stroller and gritting my teeth against the lower back pain! Unfair, unfair! I baked an apple pie to go with our stew last night. Best pastry ever!! This morning Chris hared off to work early as the team are heading off for an xmas function. He called and asked me to meet him halfway to the train station as he had forgotten his secret santa... I had to fling off my dressing gown and throw on yesterdays clothes before painfully heaving K into the stroller. Why no, I dont get dressed before K has breakfast - why do you ask? ;) Then I raced off up the hill where I met Chris on West Coast Road and passed over the pressie. I then staggered back home, gave K breakfast, washed the dishes and thought wistfully about having a nanny. Working full time with a hell boss and 8 mo's pregnant wasn't as hard as this!! Then at 9:45 I levered K into the stroller again and headed up for the library for the xmas storytime - last one of the year. K enjoyed himself, shaking both his booty and the many castanets he filched out of the instrument basket with gay abandon. Why yes, I DO plan on buying him some castanets hehe.
Having spent many hours on research (when I should have been writing assignment essays) I have decided that we need a Graco Duo stadium stroller. It looks like it will be perfect for K and the new kidlet. Only snag is it is American and thus we will need to buy from a store over there and get it shipped. I got all excited when I saw they were on - but they don't ship to NZ. Typical! Anyway, we will save our dollars towards the exciting purchase - we have until May after all. I must also acquire a backpack nappybag as the one I had last time was an over the shoulder one and completely useless - and will be even more so with a toddler in tow.
We bought K his xmas present yesterday, and I am debating whether to get him a pair of crocs as well or for his birthday. Despite frantic searching we are unable to find the charger for our Sony video camera so won't be able to video xmas. I am so annoyed.
Apart from that I am going to kick back and relax for the rest of the day. Tomorrow may have a trip into Henderson to gaze at Crocs and the like... Mmm Crocs, I love them. Maybe I will ask Chris for another pair for my birthday pressie :)

Tuesday, 15 December 2009

Seal, with seal

Life here at Chez Seal continues, with its usual healthy doses of irreverence and snark. It's amazing the things that I in particular get amusement from haha. Alas, one of the things I find no amusement in whatsoever are the texts for my assignments. In fact, I wish the writers for all of them had discovered Prozac and gone into free love and drugs before ever setting pen to paper. Can you tell how the assignment is going? And how very much I am looking forward to my contact course in January? Yup, that much. Looked at the calender yesterday and almost screamed when I realised that we head off to Wellington for the xmas break in ONE WEEK! One week!!! And, slack wench that I am, I have not purchased K any xmas pressies yet. I am mulling over a Wiggles dvd but think that I might purchase some Bazoople fabric and a single white duvet and pillowcase and make him a very special duvet set. He adores animals so this will be a treasured item for him. I also plan to buy the fabric for a cloth Bazoople book (for the new baby) - and persuade someone else to make it up... Yes, I am dreaming... it will be me that makes it haha :) K is glorying in his little cold, which resulted in sleepless nights, nasty nappies and lots of hugs. He has been taught to lean forward and give his parents a kiss (after a mere 16 months of instruction hahaha). Sadly, he has infected me with his nasty germs so I do not feel 100%. Naturally as Xmas has approached our truck has given up the ghost and died on us. The auto electrician who replaced a part massively cocked up and part of the battery terminals is corroded to hell. Now the car wont start - handy, very handy. Nevermind! A call to a certain brother-in-law who happens to be an auto-electrician will be made for advice (and costs!!) I walked with K to the library this morning and watched in horror as the skies darkened and the rain poured down, and down,and down. I seized the next clear patch and fled, grateful that I had purchased the vegetables I needed for a yummy stew for tomorrow's dinner. K attempted to fall asleep on the way home and was severely chided. He was so lively when we got home that it took me nearly an hour to get him down for his afternoon nap - aaaiiieeee!! It is rubbish day tomorrow and it could not come fast enough for me. The garage reeks like a, well, lets just say I nearly lost my breakfast. I have advised Chris that a rubbish bin will be located and placed at the front of the property. The inside door to the garage has to stay open so Bandit can use the catdoor- and I cannae take the smell, Captain!! I am trying to book our "sexing" scan for the week beginning Jan 3rd but they haven't "got the sheets up " for Jan yet so I keep calling back... and back.. and back. As soon as I know the sex, you'll know it too. Yup, I want to know the flavour so we can sort names, once and for all!

Monday, 14 December 2009


On Thursday K and I headed off to the Oratia Christmas Party. It was a wee hike up the hill carrying the young heffalump and the day was sunny with not a cloud in the sky. K enjoyed himself in the blazing sun while I sweated. My condition was not helped by the fact the K raced about like a demented bumble bee and that a gap in the hedge for the tractor ride meant that kids could get through the adjacent orchard and onto the road. Towards the end of the session K was minding his own business in the sandpit when a girl his age came up with a bucket of sand which she threw repeatedly in his face, slapping his face between tosses. K was about to bite her when I fought my way free of the crowds and rescued him. And them some silly tart smirks at her hellish offspring and lilts "kids will be kids" before turning her back on her daughter again. Grrrrrr!! K was thrilled by his present from "Santa" though - a ball!!! He shrieked with delight when he saw it hahaha. That night Suzie collected me for the Plunket meeting - it was soo late when I gotr home - almost 11pm!! I was knackered. And none of the prep work for our Yule Supper had been done - aaaieee. On Friday I started making shortbread only to realise we don't have cornflour. This meant hiking up that damn hill in the sun and then going to the library for the Wriggle and Rhyme session so K could have a nice day too. We headed home and my son turned into a little demon! He galloped around the kitchen twisting the oven dials and smacking his hand against the door. I was relieved when he finally fell asleep - at 1pm!!! I had been trying to get him down for an early nap - nuh uh!! While K slept (and slept and slept) I tidied the garage, unloaded books from boxes, placed boxes inthe garage, rebox the books, stashed extraneous bits and pieces in the garage, baked appley tarts, swept and mopped the floor, sorted the washing and put in away, and vaccuumed. I had managed to do all this by the time K woke up - at 4:15!!! We had a lovely time, with K and Alex running around like maniac. The fondue (my first!) turned out well, Bryony's sourdough was great, and Colin's ducken was fantastic!! On Saturday I babywrangled and generally tried to work on my assignment. On Saturday night K has come down with a cold and woke every hour and a half to shriek and moan. My sleep-in on Sunday was not successful as I had a succession of visits from a certain short person. Sigh. Again, assignment work was tried but as K turns into whimpering limpet boy when ill I was not really successful. I did almost finish Hunter's xmas present though - bonus! At 8 last night I remembered that we had a house inspection this morning. Chris moaned in horror like a sick cow when I told him haha. Today has gone somewhat better. Torrential rain greeted me this morning but by the time we headed out at 10am it was merely cloudy. I had raced around like a crazy thing tidying and vacuuming and was well over the cleaning lark teehee. We had a good time choosing books at the library and returned to find that the real estate agent had been and gone.

Wednesday, 9 December 2009

Sunshiney Days

The weather today was AWESOME!! Bright blue sky, with lots of sun! I was going to take K up to the playground by the library but instead we had Rachel around. It was really good catching up :) K turned into a wittering waif at 11am but despite me popping him into bed at 11:15 he wouldn't go to sleep. TWO HOURS LATER I gave up and sleepsacked him, before throwing him into the cot. He was asleep at 1:35 and woke at 3:45. Sigh, so it was another late night for us all. Tomorrow I said to Rache that I would meet her at the playground by the library to return her camera to her, and will also procure some salady things for Chris - as we are completely out. But I have just remembered that I will actually be at the Oratia Playgroup Xmas party at 9:30am. Man, I am such an idiot!! Once we have returned from the festivities I will send K into the arms of Morpheous. While K naps I will frantically seethe apples in spices, clean the house, mop the floor and work on my assignments... all the while wishing I was enjoying a nap myself! On Thursday night I am heading out to the Plunket meeting. On Friday we host the Yule Supper, at which I will be serving Fondue, a Gingerbrede Subtlety and appley tarts. Alas, the house must be clean for this event which means me working like a slave!! I hates working like a slave sniff sniff. Then on the weekend I must do assignment work!! Oh the joy of the most dreary plays in existence!!

Monday, 7 December 2009

Silly Season

Well, on Friday I emphatically did not go up to the library as it was hosing down!! It was a notable day nonetheless, as Chris collected his bound copies of his amended thesis and submitted them. Now all he has to do is turn up in May and he graduates hehehe. On Saturday we went out shopping. We were totally unable to find a cute xmassy outfit for K to wear on christmas day - very saddening!! Then we headed over to Kym's where K was dropped off to play with Alex and Jazz the dog. Despite Chris's fears (he was too scared to text for an update in case we heard that K was weeping away the time) K had a ball, and ate the best dinner at Kym's that I have ever seen him consume. The little devil hadn't even realised we had gone! We meanwhile had enjoyed Ros's dance show which was an absolute riot :). Nothing much happened on Sunday of note except my sleep-in haha. On Monday we headed out for the last day of playgroup. K had a ball, running between the water feature and the playdough and the sandpit. I helped little kids make xmas cards, and then Suzie and I scrubbed the easels. I say "scrubbed" but we were using a sponge - hardly the best tool for the job of removing caked on paint! K cavorted mightily before falling asleep at 12:50. He woke up at 3:50 - a 3 hour sleep. Lucky Chris got to sit with him as he settled to sleep. It took a mere hour and a half! Then that evening I headed off for a coffeegroup dinner. It was great catching up with everyone - and I think a picnic in Jan should be arranged.
I am panicking about my assignment at the moment. I had to return 2 plays to Massey library and only one textbook has arrived from Bennetts. I need all three books for the 6 essays, to be completed by Dec 21st. Stress!! Stress!!

Thursday, 3 December 2009

Dashing through the rain, a stroller in my hands....

The weather here is sucking the big one!!! Tuesday was alright - in that I managed to get out the house without getting wet. K has been deprived of playgrounds and runs around outside due to the precipitation outside. On Wednesday it rained. I was up at the crack of dawn to bake berry muffins. Note how virtuous I sound, when K makes sure we are ALL up before the sun sticks its snout over the horizon. I baked, bathed and fed the child, bathed and dressed myself, did Chris's breakfast and lunch and set out for MM. (Activities were not performed in that order haha). It was raining. And muggy. I was hot and sticky and wet when I arrived, but K had a great time. He rambled around and pointed out Santa (both the real and inflatable versions) and even gave Santa a big smile and a toy car. He loved the session and was enamoured of the Bichon Frise that played the role of the shepherd's sheep. We then ate and I walked home. In the rain. And K fell asleep in the stroller at 11:15 and woke at noon, and wouldn't eat lunch and was hungry and cross and tired and made my life a living hell from noon until 4:30 when I fed him, bathed him, and threw him into bed at 6. I threw myself into bed at 7:15 and slept until 6:15am this morning. K generously let me sleep in this morning haha. We headed up to the library at 9:15 when the Wiggles finished and procured some books, then headed off to the butchers and then to coffeegroup. K had a great time and we managed to stay until 11:25 when fear consumed me. Poking and prodding kept K awake until we got home and he was asleep by noon. Shortly after a torrential rainstorm hit, and I smirked happily out the window, grateful to be inside for once :)
Tomorrow we head up to the library for the Wriggle and Rhyme session, and on the weekend I am determined to buy K a supercute xmas themed outfit.
I also won a Xmas hamper from Mainly Music - not sure how!!! Maybe they have identified us as the deserving poor of the parish haha. And I need to pick it up on the same day we fly to Wellington... I will ask them if I can collect the day before, or after the 30th hehe.