Wednesday 16 March 2011


K has had his kindy afternoons changed to kindy mornings - booya!! Tomorrow is the first morning for this and coincides with a paint session I am doing at Playcentre. It also coincides with C teething and coming down ill. Sigh. The paint workshop may have to be scrapped. I had a cunning plan where I would park the car at playcentre and walk with the stroller to kindy then back to Playcentre thus allowing C to slumber gently in the stroller. However Chris will be parking the car by the train station (no car outside the door for me!!) so this may happen, or more likely we'll bolt up the hill to the shops, find the car and K will be driven to Kindy and I will then have to decide on the paint workshop depending on how little mr C is doing..... decisions, decisions....
Well, I have a miserable wee man who is much less miserable than yesterday. The second tooth has broached the surface like a miniature white whale and the fever, runny nose and nasty nappies have gone....for the moment!
An exciting St Patrick's day - K's first morning session of kindy.... he loved it! And he made a bread roll which he ate, warm and buttered, for his lunch....mmmmmm. I made hot cross buns too, with dried cherries, currants and apricots. Needs work, but not too bad :)
Headed over to see Emma this morning. Had a pig of a morning trying to get the house vacuumed etc so I could leave the house to be inspected and trudge up the hill in the heat and find the car at the shops - sadly too many issues to enumerate. Chris was a champ and had parked the car in the exact parking space I had specified - good man! Kieran was very excited and had a lovely time at Emma's- as well as a nappy blowout - oh, the smell! C had a lovely time too, and gave Sofia a little cuddle. Got home at 2, and both boys are snoozing away. I was going to take Bandit to the vets at 3 but that can happen tomorrow.... can't decide whether to take K to dance class or soccer tomorrow.... I think Chris can decide that one :)
It was soccer - but weather dependent!

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