Friday 25 March 2011

Tumbling Tots

Alack and a day... Friday was pretty low key as Cameron was somewhat under the weather. I had been planning to visit Lopdell House and the Tickle Your Senses exhibition. It is aimed at children and is Dr Seuss like, engaging all 5 senses.....but since Cameron was a poorly wee bear I cancelled on Suzie, and also Playcentre. Instead we three rearranged the boys room. It now has their beds, a bookshelf, some toys and their chest of drawers.... the spare room? Well, it looks like the municipal dump :) That's next weekend's job. I also made some hot cross buns - I find the dried cherries mix is fantastic and mopped the floor. Amazingly K slept for nearly 2 hours which ensured that an event rarer than unicorns occurred - both boys asleep at the same time. Once the widgets awoke at 4 and were tumbling around on the floor I decided to do chicken 2 ways for dinner. I did the nibbles first in my patented make-it-up-as-you-go-along sauce and tossed them in with my 5 grain bread (made for Chris, he likes nubbly bread). I cut the chicken breast into fingers, tossed them into the beaten egg and realised.... we were out of breadcrumbs. Birdbrain here forgot about the sack of flour in the cupboard and panicked. I wound up making a crumb coating that had Chris dashing upstairs to commend me on the coconutty/peanutty awesomeness of the crust :) Not bad for pumpkin seed, sunflower seed, chia, nuts, nutrigrain, sundry seeds and seasoning. Actually, it was really tasty! Chris's birthday is looming and we have been having discussions re a present..... and all that was thrown out of the window when Chris proposed giving up presents so the boys could have a trampoline.... they were on special at KMart :) Naturally we awoke this morning to rain. Chris scurried out to procure said tramp and his son literally screamed with excitement when the door open to show a trailer outside the door, with a big as box in it. Man, it was hard work getting 100kg of trampoline off the trailer and into the house. Our pyjama clad dervish pleaded to be allowed outside to watch and was told to stay inside as he would get his pj feet wet.... so who did we see scurrying out of the house wearing his mother's sheepskin slippers.... bless him :) Much crawling around the box ensued, as did driving boats and cars along the top. Even the cat got in on the act. However, we did make it to Lopdell House for the exhibition which Kieran really enjoyed! Cameron was enthralled by on of the art structures too, so the trip was a win:win. As inclement weather is predicted for the next few days Tuesday's blog entry will cover the trip to Auckland University and the Raising of the Tramp.

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