Monday 29 November 2010

Baby led weaning

OK, so K is a rubbish eater. He's getting better, no doubt about it but fruits and veges are not his friends... hell, most of the time they are barely passing aquaintances... and this is why I seized upon baby led weaning as the way to go with Cameron.
Basically you remove the need for purees and mashes by waiting until the baby is 6 months old and can sit up by themself. You then offer them finger food which they feed themselves. You know, steamed carrot, asparagus, broccoli etc. I have to say that it has worked like a dream. Cam has eaten a vast array of foods - and is not yet 7 months old. In fact, he eats almost as much as K, and a FAR greater variety. He has eaten pesto, pasta, fish fingers, pork, beans, carrots, brocolli, snow peas, mashed potato, chips, greek yogurt - plain and strawberry, tangelos, apples, strawberries, watermelon, kiwifruit, pineapple, marmite crackers, corn thins, gingernuts, muffins and, I must confess, has also sampled some traditional baby foods. I tend to buy the more exotic fruit flavours and stir them through his greek yoghurt. I got a lot of odd looks when I said I was going to do this but boy, oh boy. I am so thrilled that we did!!!
And now, just to paint me as a total crackpot, I am starting to teach Cameron Baby sign language... just a few key words to make our lives a little more harmonious :) But that is a topic for another post.
Sadly, my status as a plague Mary has been reconfirmed. Poor Jen, who stayed over Saturday night spend a merry night vomiting her heart out upon her return to Hamilton. Chris has picked up the mantle and staggered home early from work. I opened the door to his green faced visage and knew it was going to be a rough night. Luckily the poor bugger had made 6 litres of lemon and barley water from scratch... very lucky as he has been going through it at a rate of knots. The poor guy has spent much of the evening locked in the toilet, bewailing the fact that he got the more virulent strain, and saying that I got off lightly... I did at that!!! Today we stayed home so as not to infect Playcentre and K and I did puzzles, played with Cameron, had lovely chats and cuddles and had a lovely time. Tomorrow however we will head out to Playcentre for the morning... K has missed it, and it will be nice for him to have a more exciting environment. Poor little devil was still a bit off today, eating virtually nothing and putting himself to bed at 11:40 today.

1 comment:

  1. Baby led weaning .. so there IS a name for this.chandor did the same with Luca but didn't tell me what it was all about and I was astounded to see this small baby eating a viariety of finger foods. What a good idea that is. I wouldn't worry too much about K not eating a variety yet as my niece - same age as Chandor - refused to eat much until she was about three years old - survived mainly on milk but she has certainly made up for it now. And she is healthy!

    Hope the boys and you and Chris are soon better ... so hard at times isn't it? Sometimes I feel so guilty not being there to help chandor when they are all sick as they are at the moment, and I am sure your Mum feels the same way.
