Change of plan for the day eventuated when Kieran requested a pyjama day. I am NEVER agreeing to this again. Lesson learned. The day went well otherwise with us working towards three Beaver activity badges, doing some reading, boardgames, writing a story about Perry the Platypus (Kieran) and The Doctor and the Naughty Dalek (me) and finishing up with a spot of baking. Cameron helped make the pizza bases and the chocolate and walnut brownies. He has become quite the accomplished baker. Kieran's shark teeth are coming along nicely. One of his baby teeth is quite wiggly, the other - not so much. He can't wait for the toothfairy to come - and we have been collecting welsh dragon emblazoned pound coins for the tooth fairy to give to him :) This evening I trotted down to Manor Park where there Glossop Heritage Society were organising a tour through Old Glossop, which was very interesting. Manor Park was donated to Glossop by the Duke of Norfolk, who was of course a Howard - the family of Catherine Howard, poor maligned wife of Henry the Eighth. Sadly the Manor was demolished in the fifties but traces of the outbuildings remain.
The plan for tomorrow is to walk down to the playground with the helter skelter by the woods, then head to Manor Park for a picnic lunch and play before heading home to prepare spinach pasta with chicken, bacon and mushrooms. Then on Thursday a carnival comes to Glossop - woot!!
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