Friday, 25 July 2014

Day Five: School Holidays

Well, we are five days in and the days stretch endlessly before me. Good thing I have my spreadsheet all filled in until September 8th. We had a vicious fight this morning over Kieran's desire to have a pyjama day. Alas for him my memory of the last one was still fresh and I managed to get the boys out the house for 11am. We strolled up to Shrewsbury bakery, Cameron picking raspberries and blackberries as we went and then whisked up to the library. The boys had a wonderful time there, browsing through books, playing on the computers and tinkering with the toys before hunger drove them to make strident demands upon me. We settled down for a snack, then strolled down to Tesco's to enjoy the myriad carnival delights awaiting us there. At 2 pounds a pop I restricted the boys to 2 goes on whatever they wanted. Oh, how they cavorted and thrilled to the bouncy castle and hall of horror! Oh how they wept and screamed when they were told we had to leave. Oh how I regretted taking them there in the first sodding place. Managed to get the walking wounded home as Cameron faceplanted on the footpath at a full run and Kieran ran through some brambles - in bare legs. The drama llamas turned out in force then, you may be sure. That boy has the lungs for opera! Once home I force ham sandwiches into them and collapsed onto the couch to read a book on Peak District walks, before beginning Pies and Prejudice. After a rather mediocre dinner (I contracted a severe case of can't be arsed) I took the boys off to the Freetown Playground for an hour and a half, where they made friends with some little girls. The boys had a blast and bedtime went like a dream :) Tomorrow is gymnastics and swimming - yippee!

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