Saturday, 26 July 2014

Day Six: School Holidays

I think this picture perfectly describes our day today :) In the morning we headed off to Kieran's last gym class until September. Cameron was being moved up to a 9am class while Kieran stayed in his 10am one as there was no room for Cam. The teacher however asked if I wanted both boys together in the 12 noon class - and so they will be doing gym together. If it doesn't work out I can always split them up. After class we strolled home and Kieran put down roots. I nipped off to the shops to buy supplies. I had bought a delicious drink heavy on mint and lemon confident the boys would dislike it. Sadly, they took to it like a pack of wolves on a fat reindeer in the middle of a lean winter :( As a result Chris made mint syrup this morning and I brought home soda water and lemons. The resulting beverage is pretty yummy I have to say!! I then amused myself by applying for jobs and another trip to the local greengrocer for garlic and avocado. Basically, I walked MILES today, MILES I tell you :). Around 5 I put the chicken drumsticks in their marinade and took Cameron out blackberrying. He is a fantastic little gleaner, and filled a ziplock bag pronto. Once home we had dinner then took the boys up to the Freetown playground for a run around. On a Saturday, at 7:30pm  it is a less salubrious area I confess, but the boys still enjoyed themselves. Tomorrow, we swim!!

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